Advanced Query Help - Before Today

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

I’m almost there. I’ve got the sort working in reverse order, but my take 1 isn’t having any effect. I’m not sure if the take one needs to be appended to a different transform, or if I’m in the wrong order, or what. Here’s how my query stands now:

    :title [ :h3 "💡 Previous One on One meeting with Sarah Langville" ]
    :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
    :in $ ?start ?today ?tag ?tag2
        ;; filter by Journal Day
        [?b :block/page ?p]
        [?p :page/journal-day ?d]
        [(>= ?d ?start)]
        [(< ?d ?today)]
        ;; search for Tag and Tag2
        [?b :block/path-refs ?ref] [?ref :block/name ?tag]
        [?b :block/path-refs ?ref2] [?ref2 :block/name ?tag2]
    ;; reverse sort by day, take the first result
    :result-transform (fn [result]
        (take 1 
                (sort-by (fn [h] (get h [:block/page :block/journal-day])))
    :inputs [:-60d :today "[[Sarah Langville]]" "[[One on One]]"]

Would appreciate any insight into what I’m doing wrong here!