Automatic calculator using input variables

I am essentially trying to re-create this website ( where I input two values (a child’s age and weight) and then the page gives me a beautifully formatted (ideally in a table) set of calculated doses as determined by their age and weight:


Age: 12
Weight: 43 ← Ideally this input would be optional and if omitted it would be estimated from the age.

Typical output:

Title Formula (could be hidden) Output
Weight ( Age + 4 ) x 2 43kg
Energy 4 J x Weight 172J
Tube Internal Diameter = Age / 4 + 4 Length (oral) = Age / 2 + 12 Length (nasal) = Age /2 + 15 Internal Diameter: 7cm Length (oral): 18cm Length (nasal): 21cm
Fluids Medical = 20 ml x Weight Trauma = 10 ml x Weight Medical = 860mls Trauma = 430mls
Lorazepam 0.1mg x Weight 4.3mg
Adrenaline 0.1ml x Weight of 1:10,000 Adrenaline 4.3mls
Glucose 2ml x Weight of 10% Dextrose 86mls

This may be a feature request asking for a generic version of this: linked post only relates to generating pages from templates Executable templates and data driven documents

Edit: looks like I could do this with Macros, but I am not really interested in generating content for keeping - mostly just as a reference. And then when the next patient comes along, I would just input their values and the table would update.

Here you are:

  • Add a macro inside file config.edn , inside macros{} :
    <table id=\"results_table\" class=\"table kit\" data-kit=\"wetflag\" data-age=\"$1\" data-weight=\"$2\">
    <thead class=\"table-danger\">
        <th class=\"col1\" scope=\"col\">
        </th><th class=\"col2\" scope=\"col\">Formula</th>
        <th class=\"col3\" scope=\"col\">Result</th>
        <th class=\"col1\">Age</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"> [given] </td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"age_wetflag\"></span>years</td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Weight</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"> [given] </td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"weight_wetflag\"></span>kg</td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Energy</th>
        <td class=\"col2\">4 J x Weight</td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"energy_wetflag\"></span>J</td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Tube</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"><p>Internal Diameter = Age / 4 + 4</p><p>Length (oral) = Age / 2 + 12</p><p>Length (nasal) = Age /2 + 15</p></td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><p>Internal Diameter: <span id=\"ETT_ID_wetflag\"></span>cm</p><p>Length (oral): <span id=\"ETT_length_oral_wetflag\"></span>cm</p><p>Length (nasal): <span id=\"ETT_length_nasal_wetflag\"></span>cm</p></td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Fluids</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"><p>Medical = 20 ml x Weight</p><p>Trauma = 10 ml x Weight</p></td>
        <td><p>Medical = <span id=\"fluid_medical_wetflag\"></span>mls</p><p>Trauma = <span id=\"fluid_trauma_wetflag\"></span>mls</p></td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Lorazepam</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"><p>0.1mg x Weight</p></td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"lorazepam_wetflag\"></span>mg</td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Adrenaline</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"><p>0.1ml x Weight of 1:10,000 Adrenaline</p></td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"adrenaline_wetflag\"></span>mls</td>
        <th class=\"col1\">Glucose</th>
        <td class=\"col2\"><p>2ml x Weight of 10% Dextrose</p></td>
        <td class=\"col3\"><span id=\"glucose_wetflag\"></span>mls</td>
  • The code below requires having kits inside file custom.js .
  • Inside page WetFlag in Logseq, put the following code in a javascript code-block:
    function weightFromAge(age){
        if (age < 1.5) return 0.5 * age + 4
        if (age < 5.5) return 2 * age + 8
        if (age < 13.5 ) return 3 * age + 7
        if (age < 16.5) return 4 * age + 2
        return 70
    logseq.kits.wetflag = function wetflag(table){
        const dataAge = Number(table.dataset.age)
        const age = isNaN(dataAge) ? 1 : dataAge
        const dataWeight = Number(table.dataset.weight)
        const weight = isNaN(dataWeight) ? weightFromAge(age) : dataWeight
        const result = {
            energy: 4 * weight,
            ETT_ID: age / 4 + 4,
            ETT_length_oral: age / 2 + 12,
            ETT_length_nasal: age / 2 + 15,
            fluid_medical: 20 * weight,
            fluid_trauma: 10 * weight,
            lorazepam: 0.1 * weight,
            adrenaline: 0.1 * weight / 1,
            glucose: 2 * weight
        for (const id in result) {
            table.querySelector(`#${id}_wetflag`).textContent = result[id]
  • Now you can use it like {{wetflag 12, 40}}
    • Or omit the weight, e.g. {{wetflag 12}}
  • Though the calculations look doubtful.
  • It renders like this:
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Hello, @Harvs!

As an alternative, you could use 🏛 Full House Templates plugin.


2023-12-13 03.38.51


  1. Install plugin
  2. Copy the «wetflag» template code to any block in your graph
  3. Use command «Insert :classical_building:template or :classical_building:view» (⌘T or Ctrl+T) and insert «wetflag»


- template:: wetflag
  template-list-as:: view
  template-usage:: `:age "{|}", :weight ""`
	- ```typescript
	    function weightFromAge(age) {
	      if (age <= 1)  return [0.5 * age + 4, '(Age / 2) + 4']
	      if (age <= 5)  return   [2 * age + 8, '(Age × 2) + 8']
	      if (age <= 13) return   [3 * age + 7, '(Age × 3) + 7']
	      if (age <= 16) return   [4 * age + 2, '(Age × 4) + 2']
	      return 70
	    var age = Number(c.args.age)
	    var [weight, weightFormula] = weightFromAge(age)
	    if (c.args.weight) {
	      weight = Number(c.args.weight)
	      weightFormula = '[given]'
	  <table id="results_table" class="table">
	  <thead class="table-danger">
	      <th class="col1" scope="col"></th>
	      <th class="col2" scope="col">Formula</th>
	      <th class="col3" scope="col">Result</th>
	      <th class="col1">Age</th>
	      <td class="col2">[given]</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="age_wetflag">``age``</span>years</td>
	      <th class="col1">Weight</th>
	      <td class="col2">``weightFormula``</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="weight_wetflag">``weight``</span>kg</td>
	      <th class="col1">Energy</th>
	      <td class="col2">4 J × Weight</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="energy_wetflag">``4 * weight``</span>J</td>
	      <th class="col1">Tube</th>
	      <td class="col2">
	        <p>Internal Diameter = Age / 4 + 4</p>
	        <p>Length (oral) = Age / 2 + 12</p>
	        <p>Length (nasal) = Age / 2 + 15</p>
	      <td class="col3">
	        <p>Internal Diameter: <span id="ETT_ID_wetflag">``age / 4 + 4``</span>cm</p>
	        <p>Length (oral): <span id="ETT_length_oral_wetflag">``age / 2 + 12``</span>cm</p>
	        <p>Length (nasal): <span id="ETT_length_nasal_wetflag">``age / 2 + 15``</span>cm</p>
	      <th class="col1">Fluids</th>
	      <td class="col2">
	        <p>Medical = 20 ml × Weight</p>
	        <p>Trauma = 10 ml × Weight</p>
	      <td class="col3">
	          <p>Medical = <span id="fluid_medical_wetflag">``weight * 20``</span>mls</p>
	          <p>Trauma = <span id="fluid_trauma_wetflag">``weight * 10``</span>mls</p>
	      <th class="col1">Lorazepam</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>0.1mg × Weight</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="lorazepam_wetflag">``weight * 0.1``</span>mg</td>
	      <th class="col1">Adrenaline</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>0.1ml × Weight of 1:10,000 Adrenaline</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="adrenaline_wetflag">``weight * 0.1``</span>mls</td>
	      <th class="col1">Glucose</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>2ml × Weight of 10% Dextrose</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="glucose_wetflag">``weight * 2``</span>mls</td>

And another approach via template (not view) and properties:
2023-12-13 04.03.05

And then you could use queries to list all clients data!


- template:: wetflag via props
  template-list-as:: template
  template-usage:: `:client [[client {|}]], :age "", :weight ""`
	- ```typescript
	    function weightFromAge(age) {
	      if (age <= 1)  return [0.5 * age + 4, '(Age / 2) + 4']
	      if (age <= 5)  return   [2 * age + 8, '(Age × 2) + 8']
	      if (age <= 13) return   [3 * age + 7, '(Age × 3) + 7']
	      if (age <= 16) return   [4 * age + 2, '(Age × 4) + 2']
	      return 70
	    var age = Number(c.args.age)
	    var [weight, weightFormula] = weightFromAge(age)
	    if (c.args.weight) {
	      weight = Number(c.args.weight)
	      weightFormula = '[given]'
	  #work ``[c.args.client]``
	  Age:: ``age``years
	  Weight:: ``weight``kg
	  Energy:: ``4 * weight``J
	  Tube/Internal-Diameter:: ``age / 4 + 4``cm
	  Tube/Length-oral:: ``age / 2 + 12``cm
	  Tube/Length-nasal:: ``age / 2 + 15``cm
	  Fluids/Medical:: ``weight * 20``mls
	  Fluids/Trauma:: ``weight * 10``mls
	  Lorazepam:: ``weight * 0.1``mg
	  Adrenaline:: ``weight * 0.1``mls
	  Glucose:: ``weight * 2``mls

I hope the folks answering feel useful, this is a really helpful set of responses and looks like they took some work to give the OP what they were asking for. Well done!


Thank you for your replies.

Whilst the templating function is certainly useful and will no doubt be useful to many people, the solution I was looking for was a static page with a field box that updated the table. Im still hunting

@Harvs here is another approach, when you could use blocks as an input boxes and auto-refreshable table.

2024-04-11 01.14.39


- template:: wetflag
  template-list-as:: view
	- ```typescript
	    function weightFromAge(age) {
	      if (age <= 1)  return [0.5 * age + 4, '(Age / 2) + 4']
	      if (age <= 5)  return   [2 * age + 8, '(Age × 2) + 8']
	      if (age <= 13) return   [3 * age + 7, '(Age × 3) + 7']
	      if (age <= 16) return   [4 * age + 2, '(Age × 4) + 2']
	      return [70, 'value for Age > 16']
	    var [age, weight] = (await logseq.Editor.getBlock(, {includeChildren: true})).children
	    if (!age || !age.content)
	      return 'Specify Age in the first child block. And optional Weight in the second one.'
	    age = Number(age.content)
	    var weightFormula
	    if (weight && weight.content) {
	      weight = Number(weight.content)
	      weightFormula = '[given]'
	    } else {
	      [weight, weightFormula] = weightFromAge(age)
	  <table id="results_table" class="table">
	  <thead class="table-danger">
	      <th class="col1" scope="col"></th>
	      <th class="col2" scope="col">Formula</th>
	      <th class="col3" scope="col">Result</th>
	      <th class="col1">Age</th>
	      <td class="col2">[given]</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="age_wetflag">``age``</span>years</td>
	      <th class="col1">Weight</th>
	      <td class="col2">``weightFormula``</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="weight_wetflag">``weight``</span>kg</td>
	      <th class="col1">Energy</th>
	      <td class="col2">4 J × Weight</td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="energy_wetflag">``4 * weight``</span>J</td>
	      <th class="col1">Tube</th>
	      <td class="col2">
	        <p>Internal Diameter = Age / 4 + 4</p>
	        <p>Length (oral) = Age / 2 + 12</p>
	        <p>Length (nasal) = Age / 2 + 15</p>
	      <td class="col3">
	        <p>Internal Diameter: <span id="ETT_ID_wetflag">``age / 4 + 4``</span>cm</p>
	        <p>Length (oral): <span id="ETT_length_oral_wetflag">``age / 2 + 12``</span>cm</p>
	        <p>Length (nasal): <span id="ETT_length_nasal_wetflag">``age / 2 + 15``</span>cm</p>
	      <th class="col1">Fluids</th>
	      <td class="col2">
	        <p>Medical = 20 ml × Weight</p>
	        <p>Trauma = 10 ml × Weight</p>
	      <td class="col3">
	          <p>Medical = <span id="fluid_medical_wetflag">``weight * 20``</span>mls</p>
	          <p>Trauma = <span id="fluid_trauma_wetflag">``weight * 10``</span>mls</p>
	      <th class="col1">Lorazepam</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>0.1mg × Weight</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="lorazepam_wetflag">``(weight * 0.1).toPrecision(2)``</span>mg</td>
	      <th class="col1">Adrenaline</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>0.1ml × Weight of 1:10,000 Adrenaline</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="adrenaline_wetflag">``(weight * 0.1).toPrecision(2)``</span>mls</td>
	      <th class="col1">Glucose</th>
	      <td class="col2"><p>2ml × Weight of 10% Dextrose</p></td>
	      <td class="col3"><span id="glucose_wetflag">``weight * 2``</span>mls</td>
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  • What if we:
    • forget about tables and html
    • use directly Logseq’s outliner
  • Steps:
    • Setup Synthesis
    • Paste the following markdown
      - Age: {{cell 1 years}}
      - Weight: {{cell weight from (Age) ) as kg}}
      - Energy: {{cell 4 * (Weight) ) as J}}
      - Tube
      	- Internal Diameter: {{cell (Age) / 4 + 4 ) as cm}}
      	- Length
      		- oral: {{cell (Age) / 2 + 12 ) as cm}}
      		- nasal: {{cell (Age) / 2 + 15 ) as cm}}
      - Fluids
      	- Medical: {{cell 20 * (Weight) ) as mls}}
      	- Trauma: {{cell 10 * (Weight) ) as mls}}
      - Lorazepam: {{cell 0.1 * (Weight) ) as mg}}
      - Adrenaline: {{cell 0.1 * (Weight) / 1 ) as mls}}
      - Glucose: {{cell 2 * (Weight) ) as mls}}
      - Code
        collapsed:: true
      	- some num some word: that num as that word
      	- weight from some input-years: age= value of that input; age-1
      		- age-1: if (?age < 1.5) then (0.5 * ?age + 4) else age-2
      		- age-2: if (?age < 5.5) then (2 * ?age + 8) else age-3
      		- age-3: if (?age < 13.5 ) then (3 * ?age + 7) else age-4
      		- age-4: if (?age < 16.5) then (4 * ?age + 2) else 70
    • Get live cell-blocks: