Block References Issues and Ideas for Improvements

Hi, some thoughts:

Re 1.
This is because global search is for free-text content and does not resolve block ids further. One solution would be to extend this widget. An alternative I’d prefer is to give blocks a name, like with pages. For complex cases, queries are the most flexible solution - and I think it would be useful to base everything around queries on low-level and make them first-class citizens. For example provide per-page queries or make queries reusable.

Re 2.
These seem to be multiple requests:
a) Improve graph widget to include blocks in some way
b) Improve Linked References view
c) Allow graph queries / to search for transitive links

(b) You can see in source code, that linked references currently only deal with page backlinks, not blocks.
I agree, it would be cool to have a short summary of all directly linked blocks inside page tag at the bottom, similar to page back links of tag. But your example is a bit different, see next.

(c) Linked references only show direct links. You have a block that links to another block, which itself links to [[tag]]. So being on page tag you won’t get the indirect links. I am hoping, they will allow for graph queries in future to catch those “transitive” links to - this would be a game changer (e.g. with ontologies)!
This tweet and GitHub - cozodb/cozo: A transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms. Time-travel-capable, and fast! sound promising and might be combined with the upcoming query builder too.

Re 3.
Doesn’t right-clicking on the block reference → “Copy block refs” work for you?

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