Clear distinction between editing mode and navigating mode for shortcuts

Hi Cooblepot and thanks for your reply.

After reading it, I am not sure if Logseq is now modal or what would be the difference being 100% modal.

There are already these two different modes and different actions are possible in each mode. I can’t write text in navigation mode and vice versa some actions are not possible in edit mode.

What Logseq does differently (than e.g. VIM) is that there are quite a few ways to switch to edit mode (e.g. a simple click in the block is enough). So it feels more like an editor and you have to change to navigation mode intentionally - not the other way round.

Nevertheless, there are those 2 different modes and I would like to suggest to distinguish these modes more clearly in order not to block the usual shortcuts when writing text. I don’t want to make it more difficult for the average user - I want to make it clearer.

More about this in my reply to sabre23t, which I will write in a moment :wink: I will try to show what I mean in regards to folding a block.