Convert Block to a Page

A Logseq page is a special kind of block. Just like blocks, it can contain other blocks. A page is special because it is directly represented by a file on local disk, either an ORG file or an MD file. So I understand.

Merging pages is one cruical feature in Roam that’s missing in Obsidian. It would be fantastic to have this functionality to fix the issue of duplicating page titles when promoting page to block as well.

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I spoke too soon. This does work well. A simple command would still be preferred, but for now, this will do! Thanks.

N.B. The page is not linked from the original page though. It’s gone.

Ah you’re right. If you drag the page title from the references it moves that too.

It really only works well if you have

  • [[PAGE TITLE]]
    • A heading block
      • Content here
      • Content here
        • Content here

You can then drag the heading block and it’l leave the page title behind. Any other structure e.g.

  • [[PAGE TITLE]]
    • Content here
    • Content here

you would need to drag each individual block up. Not great.

So yes - a menu item to do it would be much preferable!


:bangbang: Also, I found that selecting a number of blocks in the desktop application and dragging them from the references to the main body of the new page, only moves the first block and its children while the others are simply lost. Dangerous! Thanks to DropBox versioning, I didn’t lose any text. Inside Logseq, undo didn’t bring back the lost blocks.


Yes. I had that happen as well. Git to the rescue.

There is a plugin which converts a block to page which may be worth checking out