CSS color change for tags no longer working in version 0.3.1?

(v0.3.1, Desktop, Windows)

I used this CSS change to show all tags containing “task” with a red background.

  a.tag[href*="task"] {
    background-color: Tomato;
    color: rgb(49, 49, 49)!important;

This worked until upgrading to version 0.3.1.
I also had to clean the cache to recover from problems with this bug:

After upgrading to 0.3.1 and clearing the cache, the color change above is no longer working.


I think I found it myself …

You have to change the href* to data-ref* like this:

a.tag[data-ref*="task"] {
    background-color: Tomato;
    color: rgb(49, 49, 49)!important;