Different plugins for each graph

Which plugins I use is very much dependent on how I use a graph and I would like to be able to load different plugins (and perhaps even themes) depending on which graph I am using. Obsidian already does this.

This is related to a separate feature request to change the storage location of plugins.

also, i don’t know if the official sync can sync plugins and configurations
it would be good

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This would also be extremely helpful for devs.

I would love to have the unpacked, development version of a plugin in one graph, and then the live version of the plugin I’m developing in the other.

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@tienson thoughts on something like this? happy to take a stab at a possible implementation

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Yes, I’d like to see plugins to be configured for different graphs, my only concern is how to support it with the global plugins.edn.
We might need a way to disable some global plugins for specific graphs.

A PR will be much appreciated!

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Is there a place you could point me to where I could start playing around and what the plugins.edn format is?

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This seems essential for security reasons. Community plugins are great, but they should match the security model of the database that you’re using - not of the overall “IDE” of Logseq. For example, you shouldn’t just install a random community plugin on your work graph on your work computer. If the plugin security model was tied to a particular database, then it would be easier to ensure confidential information stayed confidential.