Flashcards - Learning

In ANKI if you click on the equivalent of “Forgotten” then that card will be shown to you over and over in the SAME SESSION until you click on something else. This is a useful way to remember new material.

Do the flashcards in Logseq have an option for this?


Yes. Logseq gives you more granular control over it.
Click on settings in Logseq then click on Edit config.edn

locate these two setting options:

 ;; any number between 0 and 1 (the greater it is the faster the changes of the next-interval of card reviews) (default 0.5)
 ;; :srs/learning-fraction 0.5

 ;; the initial interval after the first successful review of a card (default 4)
 ;; :srs/initial-interval 4

enable them by removing the ;; at the start of the line:

 ;; any number between 0 and 1 (the greater it is the faster the changes of the next-interval of card reviews) (default 0.5)
 :srs/learning-fraction 0.5

 ;; the initial interval after the first successful review of a card (default 4)
 :srs/initial-interval 4

and change the values to what fits your needs. You can experiment with it and see which values work better with your workflow.