[Learn Log] Using Logseq for task management and managing task queries!

Nice to hear that we share the same goal and struggle together with advanced queries :wink:
I just put my getting things done implemenation in the forum, it might answer some questions how to structure things:
Query: How to sort todos by page reference with certain tags (GTD) - Questions & Help - Logseq

Ideally I want to

  1. input daily in journal as inbox, example:
    /WAITING [[ImportantProject]] ask #BobFromMarketing for the TPS report.
  2. Browse by project as one dimension
  3. or context (e.g. a person or a place) as another dimension on the same task.

The context simplifies getting things completed because e.g. before a meeting with Bob the tag #BobFromMarketing shows me all tasks for which I need his input over all projects he is involved in.