Lesson 1: What Are Logseq Queries and Why You Should Learn to Use Them

What is a Query

  • It’s an interrogation technique to gather information from my database
    What are query languages
  • SQL is one ot them and all databases have their query langages
    What are queries langages you work with before
  • none
    Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries
  • I invested a huge amount of time in. building my database. I evolved with it. I’ve gone from Roam to Logseq. I was learning as my database grew more and more. Mastering queries is a must for me, to benefit from all the work I did.

Thanks @Ramses!

  • What is a query?
    A way of phrasing a request for specific info
  • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
    No real idea… only what people above have written :grinning:
  • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
  • Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?
    If logseq is my second brain maybe learning how it works and how to use it will allow me to use my first brain better too!
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What is a query?
It’s a tool to request specific information and to filter them the way you need them.

What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
The article mentioned the way you can use google requests in a more proper way like the OR command or citations

What are some query languages you’ve worked with in the past?

Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?
To navigate my second brain, because right now, it is a little bit messy, just like my first brain,

What are queries?

  • A structured way to ask for something to receive the response you expect

What is a query language and can you name examples of query languages?

  • A specific, pre-agreed way of phrasing a request.
  • I am aware of SQL and also think SPARQL is a thing that’s pretty much it. I have not worked with any formal query languages

Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?

  • I want to be able to reuse past notes more effectively so that they can create new information about my work.
-   What is a query? A query is a question for the database in the computer. 
  • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
    • query languages are commands to tell the computer the parameters to search and display data. Some query languages that I remember as SQL and Python.
  • What are some query languages you’ve worked with in the past?
    • I do not have any experience working with query languages, and I am a rookie in this field.
  • Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?
    • I love LogSeq, and I think I can take advantage of its utilities using this tool. Besides, I need to understand queries to organize my knowledge system.
  • What is a query?
    • A query is a “request for information” from an interactive system, which in this case is assumed to be digital. but it doesn’t have to be.
  • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
    • Query languages are syntaxes we communicate to a computer or system to request information
  • What are some query languages you’ve worked with in the past?
    • sql, google, xpath
  • Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?
    • because being more fluent in the tools i use helps me use them more as tools and less as hobbies. If I can think, when using logseq, in terms of queries, fluently, then i can make more sense of the data i’m putting in to this system, whether that is contextual to-dos, reusable family chore lists, OKR planning, or other things i haven’t even thought of yet. I’m a kinetic/interactive learner and need objective-based learning, so this is a good reason to dive in.

I have never used logseq query before but I think this should be
{{query (and [[How to Take Smart Notes]] (or [[highlights]] [[notes]])) }}
if you want to search for
highlights or notes from How to Take Smart Notes

  • What is a query? queries are requests for information; presumably from a source of information; souces can be people (librarians, writers, authors, neighbors etc…) or computing devices (operating system, database, phone, search box etc…)
  • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages? SQL, search boxes with some sort of advanced syntax, NoSQL languages
  • What are some query languages you’ve worked with in the past? mostly SQL, GraphQL, Neo4j, MongoDB, Postgres, Cassandra
  • Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries? knowing how to get information out of a system lets you know how to store information better so that you can retrieve it more easily in the future than if you had not learned anything about how the system works.

You are absolutely right, again pointing out my sloppiness. Thank you :pray: I’ve edited the lesson.

Well, here’s my answers (I know I’m late but I’ll try to catch up! lol).

  1. A query is a way to ask a database what it has inside.
    2 and 3) I’ve worked with SQL. Taskwarrior also has some basic querying that’s kind of like a query language.
  2. I’m not quite sure yet. Most of the querying I do by just accessing the pages I’m using as nodes to associate my notes. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something!
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  • Exercise
    • What is a query?
      • Is a request for information to answer some question
    • What are query languages, and can you name examples of query languages?
      • They are programing languages speciallized in quering information in a database
      • SQL, NOSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, M …
    • What are some query languages you’ve worked with in the past?
      • M
    • Why do you want to learn how to write Logseq queries?
      • To structure my notes so I can more easily find and structure the results.
        • So find relations and new informations from them
      • track habits
      • track things like my emotions, sleep quality, activities… and find relations between them