Logseq DB Version Release Schedule?

Sorry, we have no idea when Logseq DB will be stable enough to build and test the local apps. With this version still in full development, we push changes several times a day. We don’t have the time at this moment to optimize for local apps, as it would take away from the development work.

We’re working as fast as we can, but regardless we recommend against new users adopting Logseq DB anytime soon. That’s because the UI and possibly the data model will change a lot, which will only confuse new users. I wouldn’t want to recommend Logseq DB until it’s feature-complete (as in: has at least the features that Logseq MD has at this moment).

Sorry for not giving a clear answer, but I also don’t want to give a false impression of the state of Logseq DB (or that it’s close to beta release). If you want to recommend Logseq, just recommend Logseq as it is now. The current experience will be the default for at least another year, after which new users will have more than enough experience and comfort to migrate to Logseq DB.

With tens of thousands of current (power) users, focus will be on a smooth migration regardless, so there’s no reason for people to not start using Logseq simply because Logseq DB is in the pipeline.