A few notes for all the people wondering when Logseq DB will be released:
There is no official timeline and I have no inside information. I have, however, been using Logseq for 4 years and have been intensively testing the DB version. So even if the team won’t say anything, I can make some educated guesses.
There are three stages: alpha, beta, release. Right now it is in a closed alpha. (NOTE: The MD version is still just a beta app. The DB release is an important step in moving Logseq past the beta stage.)
I think the switch from alpha to beta will happen fairly soon. My guess would be that it could happen sometime this spring, but whether that means March or June will depend on exactly what the team’s internal goalposts are. Last week I had some time and imported my large graph with several thousand pages and thousands of tasks and was able to use it pretty well in the current version of the DB.
While it could still use better performance, it is good enough for me to use it daily. My big issue was with asset handling, but I understand that the desktop version of the app will fix some of my issues with assets. This was due this month, but has been delayed due to sick team members. That means, though, that the desktop app should be out in a matter of weeks.
So what are the team’s internal goalposts are for a beta release? They haven’t said. I suspect that making import foolproof would be a big one. I just wrote a post about current import limitations. Failing to do that will cause them a huge amount of headaches dealing with supporting upset users. I don’t know what else they want? Real time collaboration (RTC)? (A promised new feature.) Sync? If so, it might take a bit longer to get to a public beta.
As far as the first official release (moving out of beta), they will need a decent period of beta testing to iron out bugs. Hard to tell how long? I do know, however, that they are eager to start charging for the “PRO” version (with RTC, sync, and publishing) and so they want to do this as soon as possible.
A month or two ago I was more pessimistic about the timeline, but having tested the latest version of Logseq DB I am really impressed with the progress they are making.