There are also cases, where it is convenient to carry over strict hierarchies already applied in practice. For example I use a namespace to model files of my local filesystem and wire them up within Logseq:
Another thing is called “Enumeration” in programming. That is a strict, fix set of values, that shall belong together - for example a page Project status
, with subpages Project status/Active
, Project status/Finished
. Namespaces have the advantage, that you can either search for references of particual values like Project status/Finished
, or any value within Project status
, as searching for namespace parents finds children as well. (If namespaces wouldn’t provide latter, you also could just use block references).
Another example for enums is a rating system r/+1
, r/+2
, r/+3
etc. and all ratings are grouped up by namespace r
I currently like to use sidebar queries with a bit of CSS customization. Sidebar looks like this with Logseq
as current page: