Need Help Deleting Flashcards Automatically

Hi everyone,

I’m a student using Logseq to study for my exams and I’ve accumulated around 1,000 flashcards from a course I took. Manually deleting these flashcards is incredibly time-consuming, especially since I often have exams back-to-back and I need to delete them so they don’t interrupt my workflow for the next exam.

I’ve tried thinking of ways to archive the flashcard pages and then add them back after my exams, or even replacing specific terms within the flashcards. However, this process is still quite challenging for me as I am a beginner, particularly with using GitHub and other related tools. It would be great if there were a plugin that could replace all words or terms within Logseq, similar to the Ctrl+H command in Notepad. This would significantly simplify the process of modifying large numbers of flashcards or other content…

Is there any way to delete flashcards automatically in Logseq? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • It is possible to prepare some custom code that would automatically:
    • query all flashcards
      • or filter some of them
    • delete or otherwise modify the results
  • Could you provide:
    • some example flashcards
    • what kind of deletion/modification it would be acceptable to you


Thank you for your response. Here are some examples of the flashcards from my pages: -
- which signaling molec- key- radial patterning of intestine? notch/shh
background-color:: gray
- which struct is most important for atrial+ ventricular septum formation, as well as for the formation of AV valves? endocardial cushion
background-color:: gray
- what is the best description of sex development in an XY person w complete androgen insensitivity? match correct characteristics to this person. for this, choose 1 of possible answers within each character category (gonads, int, ext genitals) #card
background-color:: gray
card-last-interval:: 0.04
card-repeats:: 1
card-ease-factor:: 2.6
card-next-schedule:: 2024-07-10T22:01:46.000Z
card-last-reviewed:: 2024-07-10T22:01:46.000Z
card-last-score:: 5
- gonads= testes
background-color:: gray
- int genitals= no male int genitals (Wolffian ducts regress)
background-color:: gray
- ext genitals= female ext genitals
background-color:: gray
- which events are often observed in normal cells if DNA repair is unsuccessful? p53 will: #card
background-color:: gray
card-last-interval:: 0.04
card-repeats:: 1
card-ease-factor:: 2.6
card-next-schedule:: 2024-07-09T20:16:47.107Z
card-last-reviewed:: 2024-07-09T20:16:47.109Z
card-last-score:: 5
- eventually ignore DNA damage+ cell cycle to resume
background-color:: gray
- induce senescence
background-color:: gray
- induce permanent cell cycle arrest
background-color:: gray
- induce apoptosis
background-color:: gray

  • heart anatomy
    background-color:: gray
  • Cdk img
    background-color:: gray
  • in the case of demethylation during early embryonic development, which kind of methylation (active/passive) takes place for maternal+ paternal parts of embryo’s genome? active/passive for maternal/paternal
    background-color:: gray
    • maternal: passive demethylation; paternal: active demethylation
  • what type of genetic testing is best used to avoid transmission of lamin A/C (LMNA) gone to the offspring of a couple who carry the mutation? PGD
    background-color:: gray
  • Remnants of the bl circulation b4 birth can still be identified in adult human body as ligament. The ligament is present inside the liver, and was useful in direct transport of blood from placenta towards the heart is called the X. The remnant that connects the umbilicus w the liver is called X.
    background-color:: gray
    • ligamentum venosum, ligamentum teres hepatis
  • What is the most common type of point mutation leading to a laminopathy? nonsense/frameshift/missense/ splice variant
    background-color:: gray
    • missense
  • In restriction analysis, the X fragments generated by the restriction enzymes are separated by size through a process called X. Restriction enzymes are X that cut at specific sequences and are isolated from X. #card
    background-color:: gray
    • gel electrophoresis, proteins
  • APC/C is important in metaphase/anaphase checkpoint. Rank events in correct order of occurence: activation of M-Cdk+ activation of APC/C; ubiquitilation of securin; degradation of securin; activation of separase #card
    background-color:: gray
    card-last-interval:: -1
    card-repeats:: 1
    card-ease-factor:: 2.5
    card-next-schedule:: 2024-07-10T22:00:00.000Z
    card-last-reviewed:: 2024-07-10T11:44:28.074Z
    card-last-score:: 1
    • activation of M-Cdk→ activation of APC/C→ securin ubiquitilation→ securin degradation→ separase activation
      The types of modifications that I think would be helpful would be query flashcards based on criteria (e.g., card-next-schedule date, card-last-reviewed date), for example, delete all flashcards scheduled for review before a certain date. And also I think one that could change specific attributes, such as card-next-schedule, card-ease-factor, etc. (example: Update all card-ease-factor values to 2.5.). And the best solution would be to automatically delete or modify the queried results by a bulk delete/modify. Thank you a lot for the reply.
  • Here is a general query to retrieve flashcards:
    {:query [:find (pull ?b [*])
         [?ref :block/name "card"]
         [?b :block/refs ?ref]
  • Could filter them by their properties.
    • e.g. here by repetitions:
           [?b :block/properties ?props]
           [(get ?props :card-repeats) ?repeats]
           [(> ?repeats 30)]
    • Filtering by date is hard.
  • Could then delete the results with Mass delete query results
    • It is relatively easy to adjust the code for other types of modifications, like changing property values.
  • All the above are tested and working.
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