Opinion: development focus should shift towards improving LogSeq's partially unstable core

Thanks for pointing this one out, I was worried nobody would see it.

This is a very good point and I think it warrants the discussion of Feature Request vs Enhancements. Feature Requests would be those things that are new features that do not currently exist. Enhancements would be things that enhance existing features. The users can pick and choose what things are Enhancements or a Feature Request, but itā€™ll ultimately be up to the devs based off their knowledge of the codebase.

For example I considered this request to be an enhancement since it would be extending the existing block-reference feature: (Prompt user to confirm deleting block when an existing block reference is linked to the block - #6 by tobid, and something I would consider an improvement to user experience since it would prevent accidental deletion of existing links.

This would help the dev team get an idea of what things we are struggling the most as users and use this as another go-to list to pick from.

I think it warrants the discussion of Feature Request vs Enhancements.

I think it would be better as its own thread, because ā€”

Feature Requests would be those things that are new features that do not currently exist. Enhancements would be things that enhance existing features.

This is also my criteria when making that screenshot, but even so I hesitated on many FR that extend existing features but the ā€œextensionā€ is a function which doesnā€™t exist yet. I can see people disagreeing with either so I put ā€œequal parts?ā€ there.

itā€™ll ultimately be up to the devs based off their knowledge of the codebase.

If using the developersā€™ definition, then a lot more of those would be features. For example the two examples (backlinks for block ref in properties & pages in query tables) I gave were both considered features, but to differentiate them from the whiteboards & AI kind of stuff I called them enhancements here.

Therefore, if we start the discussion, itā€™ll just be everyone stating their subjective opinion and demanding the team to find a tricky balance that satisfy most. And I donā€™t think we need that in this thread. The good thing is the developers are all dailydriving logseq and using it as a collaboration tool, so I trust them to know the pain points and make sound judgments.

I hope this thread wouldnā€™t get too noisy until a team member replies again because I went for it with

rather than asking us if we have advice on making issue management more efficient or direct, you need to address how you would make more strategic decisions on resources allocation.

so I want to see it answered :slight_smile:

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For the difference between tag FR & Enhancements, it doesnā€™t matter that much to the Devs, as they are treated as the same. In most cases, it only reflects a guess on the workload to implement the requested stuff. So in recent days, we also introduced the estimation tags to avoid confusion.

rather than asking us if we have advice on making issue management more efficient or direct, you need to address how you would make more strategic decisions on resources allocation.

For FRs & Enhancements, basically itā€™s a mixed decision based on ((Impelentation difficulty)), votes, UX impact & the personal interest of EACH dev. I may rate ((Impelentation difficulty)) as the top consideration, as Logseq is really a much more complex software than most of the competitors in this field. Itā€™s making a ā€œcontext switch costā€ so high that devs can only focus on a field of the Logseq to work on in a given period of time.

Also refer to About the Feature Requests category for how the FR vote works.

Iā€™m open to any advises on making this ā€œallocation processā€ be more transparent. Adding estimation tag was one result of such the suggestion. But some case-by-case blaming is not that constructive. Itā€™s having more effect on negating the teamā€™s and contributorsā€™ efforts on running this open-source project.

Also we highly appreciate those contributors who submit PRs to the codebase for the features they want. Itā€™s providing an extra development dimension for Logseq.

To maximize the bandwidth proficiency, I will append this peer-to-peer reply to the Logseq - development strategy and quality control


Thanks for your time and patience, this is a good answer!

of EACH dev

Thanks for highlighting the individual aspect. This is understandable, relatable and humanizes the developers, which is a reminder we sometimes need. logseq hasnā€™t left the phase of transitioning from a hobby project (which should remain so for the community contributors, of course) to an optimized business. But even if logseq fully transitioned, personal interest should definitely still play a part in the decision-making process because developers shouldnā€™t work for logseq like it is a chore. That takes the fun out of it.
But as a startup, logseq needs to be careful at planning, checking if each step fits into the big picture (for example first confirming if there would be a parser change, and if so, how does numbered list fits into the rough plan, and settle on the most efficient path) and it would require more intra-team communication, which could be a challenge for the remote international team.

Secondly, as this whole thread has been saying, the UX impact aspect should probably be moved up higher in the ā€œpriority ladderā€. Personally I trust yā€™all to know what matters for UX and am satisfied with the transparency.

My last point comes from another observation, that the implementation difficulty aspect doesnā€™t only mean bigger projects are postponed (understandable and Iā€™m not upset about it), but the ā€œeasiest jobsā€ are postponed indefinitely too because the team wants to provide opportunities for contributors ā€” which of course is a good thing, and there had been feedback that the good first issue tag is greatly appreciated and has encouraged people to try their hands at a big complex project. But when a ā€œsmall taskā€ that is crucial for UX is left unnoticed for a time period that is getting unacceptable for mainstream users, then the team really should do it yourselves instead of waiting and forgetting about it ā€” an example would be the removal of formatting tools from the mobile editing toolbar, with the PR welcome tag. It drops the ā€œusability of the mobile appā€ from like 80 to 50 points, frustrated many users and was left untreated for half year . I have seen people left logseq because of this as they had to use mobile at work. I think for this particular example, the optimal waiting time would be like 2~3 months, then the team should just do it. So it ties into my second point that the UX impact should be the deciding factor most of the time.

But some case-by-case blaming is not that constructive.

I need to apologize about it. I did wonder if it would make @Charlie feel like he did the wrong thing (please donā€™t, you did a good job) but still decided to go with it. I wanted to use numbered list as an example, but I couldnā€™t figure out how to say it without implying the blame. But while I could wait for this feature to come out at a later time, one thing I really appreciate about this PR is that it shows the logseq team cares about community feature requests. In fact I was excited I could use it as a counter-example to ā€œlogseq doesnā€™t care about the communityā€.

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Obviously this ticket is forgotten. We need a mechanism of re-surfacing the simple but actively requested tickets.
The priority-A tag on GitHub for me to do monthly re-visit but itā€™s not that flexible.
Any idea?

  • One way is as you said, remind team members via discord as your github inbox is hell. Openly saying so might flood the #feedback channel too, though.
  • As Iā€™ve repeated, I really trust you guys with the ā€œknowingā€ part (i.e. knowing whatā€™s important). The question is how this ticket went missing from the teamā€™s internal board. I think it needs to be added to your internal kanban the first time you see it, with #priority-A , #enhancement , #could-wait-for-contribution tags.
    • The tasks with both #priority-A and #data-stability takes the highest priority
    • #priority-A + #bug generally takes higher priority than #priority-A + #enhancement , but itā€™s flexible as personal interest & implementation difficulty need to be factored in. I totally trust you with these.
    • #could-wait-for-contribution lowers the priority, but calls for a monthly review. If a task remains on the board after one or two rounds, and it has a #priority-A on it, then it needs to be done no matter what.

(ā†‘ā†‘ just an example. you guys need to figure it out)


I saw the conversation scattered in several places, but I share the sentiment. At the same time though I must praise that the team has so far always listened and communicated well, or at least at the face of Ramses whoā€™s been running around and helping out on a lot of recent issues.

I left a response in this thread: https://twitter.com/kirso_/status/1658079122026012676

What started to interest me is how the features are actually being prioritised and what do they result into in terms of metrics. Perhaps the question of clarity on the roadmap is valid here.

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I like the P0-P10 system. This gives a good range to assign priority to a task.

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Hi. Another Logseq engineer chiming in here. Iā€™d like to say thanks to everyone for sharing your concerns. I care about product stability and quality so itā€™s good to hear that you all appreciate this. There are a lot of bug fixes mentioned in the changelog but that doesnā€™t necessarily address regressions. We are making investments there with tests and automated code linting which are helping but it takes time and the process isnā€™t always smooth. For example, I recently fixed a group of reference bugs that had been around for over a year. In doing so, I accidentally introduced this disappearing references bug. Sorry about that. This new bug has been fixed with tests to prevent a regression and is available in nightly.

To help us help you, please continue sharing bugs with reproducible steps. Reproducible bugs means more time we can spend fixing bugs and less time trying to reproduce it. If youā€™re disappointed in Logseqā€™s docs, I encourage you to contribute what you know. Feel free to ping me (@cldwalker) in Discordā€™s #documentation and Iā€™d be happy to get you involved. Cheers.


We are making investments there with tests and automated code linting which are helping but it takes time and the process isnā€™t always smooth.

I completely agree with the importance of testing. I almost introduced a minor regression in #9245, but it was prevented because @Junyi_Du wouldnā€™t accept it without E2E tests (thank you :sweat_smile: ) which ended up catching the regression.

After picking up the basics of Playwright, writing the E2E tests wasnā€™t too difficult. The major issue I encountered was running the tests locally. Logseq kept loading the demo graph before loading the test graph causing all tests to timeout. I am not sure what is causing this issue, but I think itā€™s worth investigating further to improve the process of writing E2E tests. Some tests also randomly time out in the CI pipeline, and then I have to push a new commit to re-trigger the test, which restarts the build process from 0.


Thank your for the great work Bad3r!

Basically it encourages running E2E locally before submitting. You may have direct view of whatā€™s happening via the Electron window, from both UI and console.
But we also have some facilities for debugging E2E for the CI runs by dumping screenshots & logs:

There's a traceAll() helper function to enable playwright trace file dump for specific test files #8332

If e2e tests fail in the file, they can be debugged by examining a trace dump with the playwright trace viewer.

Locally this will get dumped into e2e-dump/.

On CI the trace file will be under Artifacts at the bottom of a run page e.g. https://github.com/logseq/logseq/actions/runs/3574600322.
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I appreciate all the details!

I do donate to Logseq, and will continue to do so, as long as visible effort is made towards improving the product (i.e. highlighting what you just have).


Paying user here, and I agree with a lot here. While I left Standard Notes as my main research note taking app for the features of logseq first (And Iā€™m very much looking forward to the AI stuff) I stayed because it has been a bit more stable (Standard Notes is even more incomplete than Logseq right now, at least the new features like the super notes editor or files). But I still experienced issues, especially with the sync which I only tolerated because it was clearly marked as beta.

This I have to second especially. and this is the reason Iā€™m very wary for the Pro features, as it feels like a risk of logseq being open source. I am not generally against Freemium where the free version is open source, as I see it as a good compromise between you being sure that you can forever rely on the base version of the software while the developers getting the money they need to continue working. But being completely open source what just mean I do not even have to think about whether I should try out a pro feature bc I might get dependent on it.

What I would like to see is Logseq having ā€œstableā€ version which could be up to a year old. These should be robustly tested and only bug fixes applied. Then there can be a ā€œbetaā€/rolling release which is a bit more risky but gives you the option to try out new features.
Another software I am relying on, talon voice ( a speech to text/computer control program developed by a single person), has a similar free version vs. paid beta strategy.) However, even there the free version is not open source.

And @ the logseq developers: do not even think to do something like that. The only reason I am tolerating this for talon voice is that it is a single person and he is doing amazing work. If Logseq would stop being open source I would stay on the last open source version, stop giving you money and see whether I can pay somebody else to fix bugs on the last open source version).

I donā€™t know how much of the problem is lack of direct communication about bug fixes and how much is just a lack of interest in fixing bugs compared to creating new features:
When recently submitting a bug report about local file links not working; I did my due diligence to search the forums first, to make sure I wasnā€™t duplicating:
I discovered many bug reports of DATA LOSS! But what was most worrying, was the apparent lack of response on any of the bug reports (as far as I could see) from devs.
So it appears as if those issues have not been addressed; and this kinda tends to set alarm bells ringingā€¦for obvious reasons.
But perhaps this is just be a lack of communicationā€¦and all those bugs have been fixed?
What ever the case; it seems that thereā€™s a lack of communication. And to not properly acknowledge such serious bugs, does not instill confidence.

The inevitable outcome is that many are reluctantly leaving Logseq for other platforms.
When I initially posted my bug report; I thought that local file links not working (for anything beyond my root partition) was a show stopper; but clearly data loss and stability issues take precedence.

I know that some of this can be really hard to hear; especially when you have poured your heart and soul and countless hours into a projectā€¦and then you are being asked on top of fixing problems, to allocate time to engage more with users. But the reality is, that users who really love Logseq are leaving the platform because of these issues; and that seems such a shame.

I guess ultimately it will come down to priorities; and of what the developers of Logseq want it to be.

Do you mean relative links to file outside the graph folder? In that case, notice that you can just add symlinks to files or entire folders inside your graph. This works on desktop, not on mobile for the obvious reason that symlink are not supported there.

Hi Alex,
Thanks for responding. I really appreciate it :slight_smile:
Hereā€™s a link to my actual bug report:

As you can see even assests donā€™t work (with the exception of PDFā€™s and Jpegs).
The assets folder (situated inside the Logseq folder as usual) is on a separate data partition, not on the root partition. (But the home folder is on the root partition.)
I have tried sym-links as well as uploading files to the assets folders (which is not my preference).

As you can see, the best I can get, is the document file locked messageā€¦

As you can also see - in Obsidian it just works, right out of the box - no need for any messing about. I donā€™t know why that could not also be the case for Logseq.
If that worked as a temporary work around until file linking was fixed, I would have been happy to use it; sadly it does not work.
However in the long run I donā€™t really want to have to add sym-links for every file I want to link to - it will become cumbersome over time.
My understanding is that it is intended to just work by design, and that the fact it doesnā€™t is just a bug. If I have misunderstood something there, then please correct me.

Meanwhile I am having to look into ways to make Obsidian behave more like Logseq, with a myriad of plugins etcetera. I am also experimenting with using both on the same files; but with mixed results.
Anyway - I do appreciate the response. And if thereā€™s anything you else can think of that I can try I would be happy. I really would love it if Logseq comes through in the end.

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Looks like the devs took some note of the feedback here.

I want to share my experience as a potential new user looking to move off Evernote to something opensource.

It took me less than an hour to clearly see logseq is too buggy to trust with my data.

In less than 10 minutes Iā€™d encountered a bug which lost everything Iā€™d entered into the document. Clicking on the help button generally didnā€™t work.

With the greatest of respect as a brand new user it appears to be alpha/beta software.

Evernote got a lot of feedback recently when they wanted to add Ai as a feature. They had a massive user revolt that forced them to focus on user feedback (instead of new feature lists) and got the overwhelming feedback that people just wanted the core functionality to work and be faster.

As an application you are asking people to trust their long term notes too it has to be trustworthy (stable, no data loss) first and foremost.

Suggestion: perhaps allow free tier users to donate. So people can clearly vote with their wallets that they want to pay for core feature development. Personally I just want a solid open source replacement for Evernote where I own my data.


Yeah I really donā€™t want AI baked into software I use either: If people want that, then Iā€™d rather it be in the form of an optional plugin.
I also noted that right clicking in certain contexts brought up a google search option! Which I found at odds with the stated aim of privacy and security. I donā€™t know if this is still in the latest release; I do hope not.
Thankfully I havenā€™t had major data loss as yet - but the more I hear reports of it, the more I feel nervous to continue adding to my data and running the risk of loosing it.

Itā€™s good to hear that the Evernote community were able to get their point across and that the development team listened.
I also however donā€™t want my data in the cloud.

And yes I hear you about the current buggy-ness, as of course Logseq is in beta at the moment: And I canā€™t help wondering if there isnā€™t a need for a more radical or ruthless approach in order to get what is an absolutely brilliant design conceptually, the implementation that it deserves.
Personally I would be happier using a stripped down alpha of a new branch rebuilt from the ground up, with a focus on reliability and stability before new features are added; even if that meant having to wait for features that I really want.

Sadly, this is me. I love Logseq, and was using it daily, but I experienced limited data loss and also display issues - blocks that would appear on mobile but not desktop. Iā€™ve switched to UpNote which is a great piece of software with ultra-reliable sync, but thereā€™s some friction compared to the ease of linking on Logseq. I tried Logseq again last week, but sadly encountered a bug within half an hour.

I donā€™t know about timescales, but I agree that a stable and a beta version would be welcome. The upcoming database version may be part of the issue: I know from personal experience the drain of refactoring an entire application and how it causes resource issues simply dealing with normal day-to-day running.

The new features are exciting, but I could happily use (and pay for) Logseq exactly as is, if it were not for bugs encountered.


Those who have experienced data loss; could you give a bit more detail?
Would be good to know if there are any repeatable causal scenarios across multiple users.