PDF Annotation: Copy Text With Block Ref, Citekey, and Page Number

On a related note:

Before the number of “Copy …” shortcuts get out of hand, it’s important for logseq to revisit its copy-and-paste model. Apps (and even macOS) have long realized that it makes more sense to have a general “copy” operation and then a bunch of “paste …” operations.

Take a look at Microsoft Word:

Or macOS:

The point is that the user should defer what they want to get out of the copied element at the moment of pasting—not at the moment of copy. There are 2 benefits: (1) deferring decisions until the moment of usage leads to fewer wrong decisions and (2) the user can then repeat different kinds of pastes without having to go back to the original element to copy, saving a huge amount of time.

(Somewhat relatedly, macOS smartly got rid of the ability to “Cut” files in Finder. Instead, the user always does a “Copy” and then later decides whether to “Paste” or “Move”)

So in fact, we should get rid of “Copy ref” and “Copy text” and instead have a “Paste ref” and a “Paste text” and whatever else this feature request wants to add.

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