Pinning active projects to journal page

I’m looking for some advice on how to implement my desired workflow with Logseq’s journal pages.

I have some larger projects, let’s call them X, Y, Z on which I’m working long term. They consist of tasks (not necessarily just TODOs) and shorter sub-projects that are relevant for one or two weeks at a time, let’s call them X/1, X/2, … I make heavy use of the journal pages for these sub-projects. Mostly just short notes like this:

(on journal page:)

  • Subproject X/1:
    – had meeting
    – discussed this
    — TODO 1
    — TODO 2
    – DEADLINE 1
    – [[reference to whatever]]

What I would like to achieve is to keep the currently relevant sub-projects visible on my journal pages on the subsequent days, too.

ideas and approaches:

  • (1) I tried referencing them via (()), this only gives me the heading block, though. Not really useful for jumping right back in and staying on the same page.
  • (2) using a query and adding it to my daily template: The effort of quickly adding a query for page [[X/1]] and [[Z/3]] seems OK when I’ll stick to them for a week or two. Not that great ad quick if something is only relevant for a day or two. Otherwise does pretty much what I want it to do.
  • (3) Finally, here’s what I would like to have but can’t quite get working yet. My idea is that adding a tag like ‘pinned’ to the current sub-project would mark at as currently being worked on. A general query could just filter for that tag and thus always return on top of my journal page without having to edit the template. When I’m done with something, I’ll simpley remove the tag from the corresponding sub-project. If I do X/1 (soft line break) status: pinned or something like this, the query returns some ugly stuff, i.e. just the name (= date) of the journal page and the top block.

My current favorite is approach 2 but I feel like it could be improved on. Approach 3 seems nice in theory but doesn’t really do what I want it to do. I haven’t really looked into using the DOING tag but that might be an idea to? Just worried that it will interfere with my current use of LATER / TODO etc.

How do you handle stuff like this? What are your ideas and reflections on handling workflows like this? Please do share, thank you!

Apologies if this has been discussed already, I couldn’t find a similar thread.

  • Sounds like you have everything in place, except of the correct query (and maybe property syntax). If that’s the case and you share it, we could advise on fixing it.
  • I would personally prefer creating a dedicated monitoring page and keep it on the sidebar. Not what you asked, but more tidy in my opinion.
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I agree with mentaloid, I don’t think you’re far off from getting approach 3.
Would also like more information to see how we can help.

Also a consideration, using default queries from config instead of through a template.
Unless you want all journal pages to have that query. If it is about easy access, only having it shown on today’s journal page might be good enough?

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Thanks for your input! What I fell back to (for now) is actually using built-in functionality: /A for priority (which substitutes my ‘current’) and the following query on every journal page:

{{query (and (priority A) (not (task DONE CANCELLED)))}}

Thus, I can tag both individual tasks and page names for whole projects and have them on top of every single journal page as long they are relevant. For tasks, I can remove them by checking them off and for projects I just remove the [#A].

Feels elegant enough and has worked well for the last few days.

I still would be interested in the monitoring page you described @mentaloid if you feel like sharing. Might be inspiring!

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I’m not going to setup something just for inspiration. You can get enough of it in places like The contextual sidebar: query current page and organize pages in indexes. This one focuses on the current page, while monitoring considers the whole graph.