Please add a Tasks section in Left Sidebar

It could have sections with tasks divided by Status (Now, Later), Due Date, or by the name of the Page the task exists in. :partying_face: :person_cartwheeling: :man_cartwheeling: :woman_cartwheeling: :partying_face:

Obs: Please, PLEASE make it filter tasks in all notes, system wide, everywhere. Project pages have tasks in them, pages in general have tasks in them, meeting notes that live outside journal entries have tasks in them, there are plenty of other places Tasks can exist so please stop this Journals only approach to pending tasks. It can be done with queries yeah I know but, you see, not everyone (wants to) know how to use queries. :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Try the agenda plugin

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Thank you for your reply and suggestion @Aryan, I’ve installed it but it seems really really cluttered to me. Don’t you think implementing some form of task management, with simplicity as a core concept, attends to A LOT of use cases? I believe it could bring lots os people to Logseq. This absence is a huge missed opportunity.

There’s another tasks plugin with simplicity as more of a core concept. Search tasks or todo I think in the marketplace can’t remember the name. Maybe that would be better use case for you?

I have created a horizontal list with all the task tags I would like to quickly see like so …

And then I copy the reference of that bullet and paste it in DOING, DONE, NOW, LATER and WAITING so it shows in all those pages … so I can quickly switch between them. No queries needed …

And in those pages I excluded the TODO page as a linked mentions to prevent circle-linking.