Queries with specific attributes on find organized in columns with table view

While working in a query to return upcoming birthdays (some details here) I tried a simple query returning only the fields I wanted to be shown but didn’t work. With this feature, would be very easy to make queries without having to change the view.

How I did:

  ?name ?birthday ?d
  :in $ ?start ?next
  [?b :block/properties ?properties]
  [(get ?properties :birthday) ?birthday]
  [?b :block/left ?page]
  [?b :block/ref-pages ?p]
  [?p :block/journal? true]
  [?p :block/journal-day ?d]
  [?page :block/name ?name]
  [(< ?d ?next)]
  [(>= ?d ?start)]]
 :inputs [:today :30d-after]

 :view (fn [raw-people]
        (def people-count (/ (count raw-people) 3))

         (def ids (range people-count))

         (def people
           (map (fn [id]
                  (def idx (* id 3))
                  {:id id
                   :name (nth raw-people idx)
                   :birthday (nth raw-people (+ idx 1))
                   :date (nth raw-people (+ idx 2))}) ids))

         (def sorted-people (sort-by :date people))

         (def people
           (map (fn [id]
                  (def idx (* id 3))
                  {:id id
                   :name (nth people idx)
                   :birthday (nth people (+ idx 1))
                   :date (nth people (+ idx 2))}) ids))

         (defn link [path] [:a {:href (str "#/page/" path)} (str path)])

         (def rows
           (map (fn [person]
                   [:td (link (get person :name))]
                   [:td (link (first (get person :birthday)))]]) sorted-people))

             [:th "Name"]
             [:th "Birthday"]]]


  ?name ?birthday ?d
  :in $ ?start ?next
  [?b :block/properties ?properties]
  [(get ?properties :birthday) ?birthday]
  [?b :block/left ?page]
  [?b :block/ref-pages ?p]
  [?p :block/journal? true]
  [?p :block/journal-day ?d]
  [?page :block/name ?name]
  [(< ?d ?next)]
  [(>= ?d ?start)]]
 :inputs [:today :30d-after]
 :sort-by [?d]}

Please, let me know if already has a way to do that.