Query normal Blocks (not ToDo etc.) for date - Weekly Recap

Hi there,

is there a way to query for all the blocks i made in the last week / last month etc?
Often times a note that seems quite relevant doesn´t seem so at the end of the week. Or in the rush of things you forget to link an importan word in a note.

I would like to do a weekly recap of all the blocks i entered and check if they can stay in my graph, have to be edited or even deleted. This workflow would be key for keeping my knowledge garden neat and tidy.

Thank you very much!

  • I don’t think that dates of common blocks can currently be queried.
  • I instead suggest the following workflow:
    • All notes that have a chance to be removed during a recap, should be initially placed in the journal.
      • Journal pages are places where notes are:
        • not neat and tidy
        • connected to a useful context through:
          • mostly (soft) tags
          • the date of the journal they are in
    • Whenever time is found (e.g. weekly recap), should:
      • go through the journal
        • no query needed
      • improve any notes
        • that includes rephrasing, to turn most tags into proper inline refs
      • remove any notes
        • though in the journal they don’t harm too much
      • move any improved notes to other pages
        • Other pages are places where notes should be:
          • kept neat and tidy
          • connected to a useful context through:
            • mostly (hard) inline refs
            • the concept of the page they are in
    • Read more in Data Entry in Journal or Pages?
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Thanks for your answer. The classic “Inbox” System as you describe it is the way i currently use logseq, too. But this fails to capture the blocks i note directly in specific pages, for example book summarys. I guess i have to force these blocks otherwise in my recap, maybe via random block.

If you write notes elséwhere on regular pages or on another day or via e.g. a Telegram bot and the note is related to a specific point in time I suggest to simply insert a timestamp into the first line using [[my_journal_page_day_format]] hh:mm.

You can either use a keyboard shortcut tool like TypeIt4me on macOS, Pythonista Keyboard on iOS or even a shortcut inside of logseq to expand a current time timestamp or edit it to the intended data later by hand.

The benefit: these notes are then displayed in the Journal in the context of that day in the related section.

Why? If you are not using TODO/DOING/DONE markers usually no timestamps are preserved on creation and modification of a block. Not even in the database as far as I know.

If you create special shortcuts to enhance a selection of text/tags with special followup markup including a timestamp, you can easily retrieve those notes later. If useful you can then remove the markup to take these notes out of procedures in the future when you have finished the followup.

For me the basic markers are not enough.
With special markup writing queries to catch those notes is a snap. Take a look at the logseq-query-builder plugin GitHub - adxsoft/logseq-query-builder-plugin: A logseq plugin that generates advanced queries from simple commands – This is a huge booster with advanced queries while learning Advanced Queries, because (at least for me) they are counterintuitive at start.

Then you can add a working query to the default queries of your Journals home in collapsed mode (need to edit the config.edn, make a backup of your config.edn first!)


Logseq uses two databases. The other one is git’s. You can use gitk to find the specific changes for arbitrary time spans. Though not an integrated solution, it is a solution.