Questions about the upcoming database version

How will the sync feature work with the db version?


In connection to questions regarding the DB ↔ markdown sync:

  • the new handling of properties seem to be tied with the db version. visually, properties are shown as child bullets. will the markdown representation of properties in the DB version stay the same as they are now?

  • tasks / todos have become tag-based in the current db version using #Task. will the regular TODO checkbox disappear in the future? i feel like the ease of use of the current TODO UX is better than the tag-based todo that relies on tags, properties and dropdowns. add to that that it’s already hacky to create a checkbox that’s not a todo, and now we’re adding more complexity to create a todo. hopefully the tag-based todo becomes optional.


Thumbs up, I reall need to integrate a LLM to read my all Logseq files to create a Knowledgebase.

I’m increasingly using the PDF reader (with highlights) and the Whiteboard. How will the DB version impact these features?

  • Will DB version improve multi-window mode too? I guess yes.

  • Will the bi-directional sync with MD files be available (optionally) with the Web version too? It would make Logseq 100% local-first even when you can’t install anything natively.

  • Will the bi-directional sync with MD files be available on mobile platforms too?

  • Will the bi-directional sync write to MD files also the schema for the new properties templates (like types, cardinality etc)? It would help a lot with refactoring.

  • Do you have any plan to support other formats for bidirectional sync, like CSV for tables and query results or YAML for the schema mentioned above?

  • Will plugins be able to add custom properties to blocks that won’t appear in MD files? It would be useful for those plugins that perform sync with other services like Todoist without polluting MD files with “meta” properties.

  • Could there be an option to resolve queries results when writing to MD files? I mean query results being readable in MD files and if you edit them manually with a text editor the original block is updated.


I’ve built a really nifty and fairly robust system to two-way sync logseq tasks with Apple iOS Reminders via Shortcuts and iCloud (my logseq drive is hosted in icloud for this purpose). Will we be able to ask Logseq to use the database for 90% of content, but mark a few topics / files as MD only so automations like my system can continue to work?

PS happy to share my Shortcuts setup if there is interest … it took a while to get working robustly!

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Will the DB version mean it’s more likely we might also get the option for true WYSIWYG editing experience?

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fyi i built a shortcut with reminders sync using the Logseq API, could (?) work with the DB version. Here: GitHub - flegfleg/logseq-reminders-sync: Shortcuts to sync tasks (with deadlines) between Logseq and Apple Reminders
It syncs task name, due date, status to reminders, and then task status (TODO, DONE) back to Logseq (omitting any changes to name and due date), but it could be reworked for a complete sync.

Looks like the web version will be powerful. Super excited to get my hands on it.

Will we be able to self-host it? I mean will we be able to host that sqlite database on the server alongwith the app? (to ensure smooth sync for free users?)

And will we still have git sync?

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That’s an absolute important question- for me, having .md files is one major requirement, I don‘t want/ need a DB version, is it still being maintained?

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Currently a query result is just a static output of the relevant content.

With the db version, will it be possible to edit the actual values, directly within a query result in table view?

For example, say I have hundreds of blocks representing books, each with a property for author. Then I do a live query showing all these books in a table, including a column for author. Then I would be able to change the authors names directly in that table (as in a spreadsheet software).


A post was split to a new topic: Eliminate the concept of pages

How will version control (git) work with the DB version? I rely on git for incremental backup and tracking changes. This is trivially easy to do when working with clear text / markdown.

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You already can if you know how to do it, the branch on GitHub is feat/db.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Eliminate the concept of pages

I want to know if the page in the database version can be easily converted into PDF for sharing、printing. The export effect of the current plug -in is average and there is a linked jump failure.

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When Logseq implements database as a way of storing the data, does that mean that file will no longer be in plaintext? I’m asking this mostly for GIt syncing.


Will there be a truly Portable version along the other installers? We need not install Logseq on all the devices we touch for privacy reasons. Also I don’t want any data to be left on a device where I start Logseq to note down journal entries along PKM and Task Management entries …

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I never worked with databases except doing simple queries, and was wondering how is data stored in a file system? I guess it’s not one file representing one page. Where can I learn more about this, i.e. database and how is data stored on a filesystem.