What is the developers’ plan on app documentation?
I’m shocked to see no entry about improving the documentation on the Roadmap. It’s one thing to lack proper documentation during beta (although IMO Logseq has been in beta for too long to convincingly say this). It’s another thing to have no functional manual in v1.0.0.
The developers appear to prioritize introducing new features against addressing existing shortcomings. But I don’t think the task of documentation should ever be subjected to this problematic attitude. What’s the use of new features if you don’t bother to explain your software to the audience in the first place?
Some people who can code will perhaps sort things out on their own, but the cohort of ordinary users without programming experience will be kept in the dark. Neglect of non-programmers through inadequate documentation is a red flag to me.
We plan to write documentation until the db version is more stable, I’m not sure whether you’re in the test group, if so, you’ll notice that we’re focusing on making the db version intuitive and easier to use, ideally for most users, they don’t need to check the documentation to use it. Also, there are some designs our team and users are still discussing; things can change quickly, so we think it’s better to document the db version later.
@cldwalker wrote some initial draft on Tags and Properties, but notice that both the concepts and ux could be changed during the test.
I’m closing this thread as it’s turning into a discussion and Logseq DB is still changing too much to give concrete answers.
Thank you for the questions and input all! This is more than we can handle in a single update post. Once Logseq DB is ready for general release, I’ll publish the update post and link to it from here.