Readwise Official Plugin export into Logseq: How I fine-tuned the page meta data

The Readwise Official Plugin has the option to customise the way the data is exported to Logseq.

With the default configuration of the export, some page properties were not ok in LogSeq. I made some changes to fix that and added a few more nice tweaks.

When you go to: Logseq Export config in Readwise you can see the Page Metadata.

Simply replace the mentioned code by this code:

author:: [[{{author}}]]\
full-title:: "{{full_title}}"\
category:: #{{category}}{{ " 📚" if category == "books"}}{{" 📰" if category == "articles"}}{{" 🐦" if category == "tweets"}}{{" 🎙" if category == "podcasts"}}\
{% if url %}url:: {{url}}\
{% endif %}{% if document_note %}document_note:: {{document_note}}\
{% endif %}{% if document_tags %} tags:: {% for tag in document_tags %}#[[{{tag}}]] {% endfor %} {%- endif %}
{% if image_url %}![]({{image_url}}){% endif %}

Make sure to use this exact spacing etc or it will not work.

Thank you @Bader for showing me where to post these kind of things.

Feel free to add your own tweaks, as I might learn some nice stuff I would want to use too.

After some changes in Logseq, Readwise had to make some corrections to the default export settings for page metadata. The slash was suddenly showing in Logseq in the page properties.

I adapted the query shown above with those same changes:

author:: [[{{author}}]]
full-title:: "{{full_title}}"
category:: #{{category}}{{ " 📚" if category == "books"}}{{" 📰" if category == "articles"}}{{" 🐦" if category == "tweets"}}{{" 🎙" if category == "podcasts"}}
{% if url -%}
url:: {{url}}
{% endif -%}
{% if document_note -%}
document_note:: {{document_note}}
{% endif -%}
{% if document_tags -%}
tags:: {% for tag in document_tags %}#[[{{tag}}]] {% endfor %}
{% endif -%}
{% if image_url -%}
{% endif -%}
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