Scientific Workflows with Zotero

How to transfer data from Zotero to Logseq?

Did I miss any options for Zotero integration?

Another method I’ve seen floating about is to use Obsidian’s Zotero Integration Plugin to make the markdown file in Logseq with a custom template (see the post). It’s essentially the same as the ‘loose-integration’ approach you described.

How to get outlines from Logseq into Word/Tex?

I can see the value of outlining in logseq itself because it’ll keep a record of where I used my ideas and and what new connections I can make. I find I like to make the outlines in the software where I will make my full draft. Every time I make an outline in Logseq, I end up rewriting it anyway (for the reasons you pointed out).

Then again I have less experience with the output part of the workflow, so perhaps someone else could chime in?