Shortcut for right-click colorful headers

I often use the right-click H1, h2, h3 formatting that colors the entire paragraph. I find that they are more useful for quickly scanning a page to see different categories of notes like literature info, personal notes, and so on.

There is no way that I have found to use this formatting without right-clicking the tiny paragraph bullet. Can a keyboard command be added? Currently, the # ## ### (or /h1 /h2 /h3) formatting option (a completely different H1 h2 h3 I assume??) only makes text changes, not color. If this feature already exists, I have not found it! Thank. you.

I would love this feature too. in fact, I am used to color coding blocks based on their types and then having ability to search for specific type based on color.
the color codes help identify what the text is about without actually reading the text to understand the topic.

Here is the solution with plugins :heart: