Templates - how to create, edit, and insert?

Logseq really needs to implement a ;; to start looking for a template instead of the /template templateName

;;templateName is sooo much faster

The one thing other then a smooth synch (I know its coming) that I miss coming from Roam.


I created a template but when I select it, nothing is inserted.

screencast 2022-07-12 14-54-59

Am I doing something wrong?

Template:: should be in the same block as REFLECTION not in a sub block.
You can create a new line inside a block using shift enter.

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Thank you, that fixed it!

I’m trying to understand templates, but I have a problem and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

I create a template for daily tasks. Logically they go from TODO to DONE. Fine, but this means that the next day, when the day appears automatically, as the day before I made modifications in the TEMPLATE, everything appears modified and with DONE.

What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks.

This is cause you’ve actually edited the template block which is what logseq tries replicating whenever it calls the daily template. What you should ideally do is dedicate a page for templates and have them all there.

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Many Thanks, it seems that this was the problem. Thanks🙏

Hi. I would like to have a space for one of the item inside my template as shown below. May I know how can I do that? Currently it is not allowing me to do this.

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Hi everyone! Is there a way to use separate shortcut to insert a template? Right now I need to use /template and then search the template name. I would prefer to use a separate shortcut and directly type the template name. Thanks!

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I’m having a hard time getting the template to work.

Here’s my setup:

**Fujifilm Recipes**
template:: Fujifilm Recipe
Dynamic Range:: 
Film Simulation:: 
Grain Effect:: 
White Balance:: 
Highlight Tone:: 
Shadow Tone:: 
Noise Reduction::

And this is the result:

Something is off, but can’t figure out what it is.

Edit: Ok, I just saw in one of the replies above that spaces are not allowed.