With a lot of help from Luhmann I was able to replace all instances in my database using BBEditor which has multi file search for find and replace. In the find dialog be sure to turn on the Grep option, then use this syntax:
Find: -\s(.*?)::
Replace: - [[\1]]:
One thing to watch out for: Logseq doesn’t have merging pages (yet).
e.g. when you rename a page and if it already exists, it just gives you an error. You have update each mention manually, move the content, and then delete the page.
There is actually nothing to implement. As part of the current day in Journal, if you have any open Todos, then they would be listed under the current day as NOW. And if you have any Later ones, they would be listed under NEXT. If none are showing up, then perhaps you did not create a task. To do that, check the docs for https://logseq.github.io/#/page/tasks%20%26%20todos
Note that you can modify the standard query for NOW and NEXT by modifying them in the config.edn file.
See this thread for details on how the NOW and NEXT tasks work:
from Tienson: The default NEXT query will ignore today’s tasks, [:today :7d-after] here means today < day < 7d-after, you can adjust the inputs to whatever fit your needs, for example [:yesterday :14d-after]
and default NOW query looks at tasks with today’s date for NOW and DOING tasks, ignoring all others.
If you want to modify those queries, you can do it in the config.edn file.
For example, see issue CLOSED issue #2312 for a simple query for LATER tasks. NEXT query on Journal page does not appear to function · Issue #2312 · logseq/logseq · GitHub