Since there are a bunch of advanced users here with different workflows, we probably should start differentiating particular use cases and functions in our discussions. e.g. there is
- search for a source from within Logseq and find the citekey
- automatically create a Logseq page (file) for a source
- automatically import Zotero metadata to an existing source page in Logseq
- automatically creating web links on the Logseq page to search for the paper in online services like Google Scholar, CrossRef, ConnectedPapers, etc.
- importing pdf annotations made in Zotero beta, pdf readers, or (potentially) an integrated pdf reader in Logseq, and turning those annotations into plain-text that can be edited in Logseq
- using citekeys in Logseq as part of longer-form writing that can be exported to Word or other formats—not just word processing formats, but potentially pdfs, markdown, Pandoc-markdown, or LaTeX
There are probably other ways to use these tools but it makes sense to be more specific than just talking about “using” Zotero and Logseq together.
EDIT: want to add more functions currently in the Roam-Zotero plugin.
On a Logseq page for a source, list the works cited by the source that:
7. …you currently have Logseq pages for
8. …you have in your current Zotero database (thus ready for import to Logseq)
9. …you don’t have in your Logseq graph or Zotero database, with a link to the cited work’s DOI page
- link to open item in local or web Zotero
- link to open item’s attached pdf in local or web Zotero