Synthesis/Temperature - Conversions among Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

  • Add the following self-descriptive markdown to page Synthesis/Temperature :
    - **Demo converter**
    	- **from Celsius** to Fahrenheit and Kelvin
    		- this celsius: {{cell 36.6 °C}}
    		- is equivalent to {{cell °F from this celsius; round it to 2 decimals}} or {{cell °K from this celsius; round it to 2 decimals}}
    	- **from Fahrenheit** to Celsius and Kelvin
    		- this fahrenheit: {{cell 90 °F}}
    		- is equivalent to {{cell °C from this fahrenheit; round it to 2 decimals}} or {{cell °K from this fahrenheit; round it to 2 decimals}}
    	- **from Kelvin** to Celsius and Fahrenheit
    		- this kelvin: {{cell 0 °K}}
    		- is equivalent to {{cell °C from this kelvin; round it to 2 decimals}} or {{cell °F from this kelvin; round it to 2 decimals}}
    - **Definitions for Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin**
    	- some num °C: that num as °C
    	- some num °F: that num as °F
    	- some num °K: that num as °K
    	- some word from:
    		- some °C: that °C to that word) as that word
    		- some °F: that °F to that word) as that word
    		- some °K: that °K to that word) as that word
    	- some °C to some word: num from converting that °C to that word
    	- some °F to some word: num from converting that °F to that word
    	- some °K to some word: num from converting that °K to that word
    	- num from converting:
    		- some °C:
    			- to °F: 1.8 * that °C + 32
    			- to °K: that °C + 273.15
    		- some °F:
    			- to °C: (that °F - 32) / 1.8
    			- to °K: (that °F - 32) / 1.8 + 273.15
    		- some °K:
    			- to °C: that °K - 273.15
    			- to °F: 1.8 * (that °K - 273.15) + 32
    	- **Usage**
    		- `{{eval 36.6 °C}}` => {{eval 36.6 °C}}
    		- `{{eval (36.6 °C) to °F}}` => {{eval (36.6 °C) to °F}}
    		- `{{eval °F from 36.6 °C}}` => {{eval °F from 36.6 °C}}
    		- get rid of decimals through rounding
    			- `{{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F)}}` => {{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F)}}
    			- `{{eval (round ((36.6 °C) to °F)) as °F}}` => {{eval (round ((36.6 °C) to °F)) as °F}}
    			- **Definitions for specific number of decimal digits**
    				- round some °C to some digits-num decimals: round (that °C's value) to those digits decimals) as °C
    				- round some °F to some digits-num decimals: round (that °F's value) to those digits decimals) as °F
    				- round some °K to some digits-num decimals: round (that °K's value) to those digits decimals) as °K
    				- round some num to some digits-num decimals: f= 10 ^ ?digits; that f times that num; (round it) / ?f
    				- **Usage**
    					- `{{eval round (°F from 36.6 °C) to 2 decimals}}` => {{eval round (°F from 36.6 °C) to 2 decimals}}
    					- `{{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F) to 2 decimals}}` => {{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F) to 2 decimals}}
    					- `{{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F) to 0 decimals}}` => {{eval round ((36.6 °C) to °F) to 0 decimals}}
    						- equivalent to plain `round`
    					- imperative may read easier
    						- `{{eval 36.6 °C) to °F; round it to 1 decimals}}` => {{eval 36.6 °C) to °F; round it to 1 decimals}}
    						- `{{eval °F from 36.6 °C; round it to 4 decimals}}` => {{eval °F from 36.6 °C; round it to 4 decimals}}
    							- trailing zeros are truncated
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