3D logseq visualiser (0.1 alpha)

I love LogSeq. I have been using it a lot since last November. I wanted to integrate AI conversations more deeply across my knowledge, automating updates with agents and web search, and relinking intelligently, but I needed to learn to code first, which has taken me a while. I’m a VR researcher by training, so I figured I’d do something I understood first.
This is a completely CC0 open source 3D visualiser for LogSeq. It’s JUST started working, and it’s very raw, but if it’s useful then feel free to PR or build on it or whatever. I will be moving the development on into proper mixed reality and integrating the agents and graphrag and things over the coming months if I get time.


Hey there love what you did, I am LogSeq Guy, have a Meta Quest 3, play with WebXr in threejs … I will definitly look at your Code and Star you on GitHub …

Best Greetings from Zuerich, Dominique

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great to hear! thanks. I am currently lost in science in the feature-branch, learning CI “unit testing” in real-time, the hardest possible way, by attempting to retrofit it, while simultaneously refactoring, and adding features. Spacemouse integration is half done. So many things are half done. I want to get to a place where I can simply tag interesting posts in Inoreader on mobile, and it’ll wind it’s way through LLMs via my systems in the background, building out explanatory LogSeq pages, updating the RAG and visualiser, and manifesting immersively as a conversational agent.

I have picked a helluva thing to start to code as a big project.

Help is welcome from all comers, if my (claude) code doesn’t cause migraines. It’s possible I am just doing things VERY badly wrong so pointers and critiques are also welcome.

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This now “pretty much” works in VR in a quest3 headset. The documentation is appalling and everything doesn’t quite work, but DOES render your logseq md directory in spatial mixed reality.

More to come. Maybe.

How nice topic! I will follow you. It’s beautiful to see the graph in 3D :stuck_out_tongue:
I want to integrate AI to LogSeq more

This looks like it could be the coolest I’ve seen on this side of Xmas.
Have cloned your repository, and thought I’d start with getting it up and running. To that end the comprehensive documentation you mention in the readme would be useful. Don’t know if I’m looking in the wrong place, but can’t seem to find that docs/ directory anywhere?? :thinking:

Lol, apologies, I didn’t write that. EVERYTHING is AI-SMASH and sometimes a commit from the agent will have pretensions of documentation. The best active branch, (sorry, it’s a mess ATM) is:


which is a radical typescript re-engineering of the client side, and TOTALLY not working (on the client side). I think the docker/rust/server is moderately stable as an MVP to pull from a private repo as things stand. Once I get a bit more time I will ring the bell on 0.2 alpha, clean up the branches and actually check the docs. Sorry for wasting your time exploring spaghetti. It is still a going concern. I HOPE to get it over the line.

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