A meta-graph as a set of linked graphs

Also it looks like @alex0 in

  • your proposal you suggest for support in [[key::val]] syntax without separating space after ::.

The more I think about it, the more I like it.
(i.e. to ideally support both - with space [[key:: val]] and without space [[key::val]].) . I recently even started tagging directories and files in my filesystem using #tag or [[tag..]] notation (still have to figure out how to use tag hierarchies, as / is prohibited on filesystems, but probably single : would be a work around !
That way

  • I could translate document [[verb/describes:: person::Alice]].md
  • into document [[verb:describes::person:Alice]].md ,

what has following advantages

  • I could use single : instead of / where / is prohibited
  • I could distinguish : from :: easily!
  • and removing space would allow me in scripting to utilize tags usually by just splitting by space !

Otherwise, even if without space syntax would be rejected, still I consider inline [[key:: val]] a huge improvement! (especially if triples (page, key, val) could be programmatically retrived => but if not logseq, then I guess doing external parser could do the job)

To be honest I didn’t pay attention to this detail, I guess it wouldn’t make much a difference.

/ is how you actually use namespace functionality in Logseq. Check my post with tips on when and how use this:

Logseq will save [[Parent/Child]] as Parent__Child.md on the file system, so no need to worry about it.

At the moment you can’t use : inside a key, but you can use namespaces, numbers and underscores as keys, like:

verb/describe_1:: value

In general keys must start with a non-numeric character and can contain alphanumeric characters and . * + ! - _ ? $ % & = < >.

If -, + or . are the first character, the second character (if any) must be non-numeric.

You can decide that one of those special character stands for “verb” and use something like:

>/describe:: value

This way when you visit the page [[>]] you will see the list of verbs like “describe” at the bottom.

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Thank you ! Yes, I already use ir extensively in my logseq graphs and it’s awesome!

My point is that I started using Logseq notation in my filesystem , so use same everywhere, e.g.

#2023/#bills/mobile provider [[Great Telecom]] [[bill:amount::12345]].pdf

So my point is that in filename I can not use “/” so using single “:” is very convenient and easy to convert later into “/” if importing into Logseq"tags"/“links” from filesystem with scripting. No change required, just sharing my trick how to handle this when “/” character is not allower (e.g. Linux filesystems) and that it will work with your proposal ! Sorry for bringing it up here, I should have put this side topic in another thread.

All the rest: looking forward !

And if skipping “space” after “::” in inline notation would be allowed (but not required) for me even better!