A Way To Export PDF as of (Jan 30 2024)?

I’ve looked at the solutions and do not understand any of them when I attempt to figure out what they are saying. Im not that technical nor do I want to be. Simple is good for my brain. Is there an easy solution yet to exporting one of my PDF’s or it is in Logseq prison forever? Thanks

While loqseq is quite the opposite of a prison (data is stored in markdown or org textfiles) I do agree that there is currently no usable pdf export.
My criteria for usable would be:
Printing the full page reliably

  • Execute queries
  • Render all text elements
  • Apply a document stylesheet

If you are fine with exporting the basic content of a page, the export pdf plugin might do the job for you.

Try this plugin: logseq-plugin-pdf-print
You can searh pdf print in marketplace to install it

Unfortunately, due to the browser’s same-origin policy, this plugin is unable to capture embedded iframes, such as videos, for printing. In the next version, I plan to replace embedded iframe elements with their corresponding links and QR codes for display.

I think the author meant something else. His question was aimed at the export of PDFs (assets), not the creation of PDFs.

I have the same problem right now: How can I export a PDF from Logseq (e.g. to send it by email) WITHOUT having to navigate to the asset folder with the file manager?

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