Ability to Exclude a Page from Tagging Search Results

It would be great if there was the ability to exclude pages from tagging search results.

For example, when I want to create a link for “Reality Garrigou Lagrange book” - two other assets (PDFs in Logseq) pop up as options (see image below).

Why is this a problem? - I’m often having to search through a list of PDFs that I don’t want to see (in a tiny window) and sometimes selecting the wrong one.


It would be great if you could click the three dots in the top-right corner of the page and have some kind of option for “Exclude from Tag Search Results” - though the challenge would be to still include it in the global search results in Ctrl+U


+1, I have been on the query article for a while trying to figure out how to do this.

You can do “not (page “current page”)” (don’t understand why the syntax for this one example is a ‘magic link’ versus <% current page %> syntax, but anyway), and the docs say you can do (not page “example page”), but this doesn’t seem to work.

+1 I agree. These generated hls_ pages would also be great to have excluded from the graph itself.

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Has there been any update that allows you to exclude tags when searching as they serve different purposes within workflow and would love to have control if searching pages or tags and not both showing up all the time