Ability to style the time when using Current Time

Hello! I have been using logseq for a week now and really have enjoyed using it for my everyday notes and journal.

I would like to suggest what is hopefully a small update to make.

When you use the “/Current time” command, your output is the current time in the 00:00 format. When you inspect the html, this time code is not separated from the rest of the text content. For example, when you write this in logseq “17:57 I published a post on my blog” and then inspect this you see:

<textarea class="uniline-block normal-block" id="edit-block-1-657cd660-d640-47ee-87aa-bf04040a1096" aria-label="editing block" style="height: 24px !important;">17:57 I published a post on my blog</textarea>

My goal is to be able to style the time only with a custom background color, automatically, without having to wrap it with == every time I create it. I time stamp many of my writing and it is just a nuance having to select and wrap the time every time I make it.
Because there is no html wrapping the time it’s not possible to automatically style it with a background color.
Would it be possible to wrap this time with an html tag (span or time) with a class of say ‘current-time’ so that when these are created it looks something like this:

<textarea class="uniline-block normal-block" id="edit-block-1-657cd660-d640-47ee-87aa-bf04040a1096" aria-label="editing block" style="height: 24px !important;"><span class="current-time">17:57</span> I published a post on my blog</textarea>

This will allow it to be targeted in the custom.css and make it possible to add a background color or text style. The ability to change its format would be a bonus, i.e 24hr or 12hrs with AM / PM :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for great piece of software.