About the Feature Requests category

You can vote and comment on requested features to help the team prioritize what to build.

The estimate tags are for estimating the required work load.
Ping developers to tag a feature request post if the vote hits 100

estimate-very-large: A project level feature (as large as the projects listed in Trello)
estimate-large: Require major refactor of a feature
estimate-medium: Medium effort required
estimate-small: Small effort required, maybe a few lines of code


Add the independent contents for every single page. so that I can combine logseq with Cornell notes

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Feature request - it would be super helpful if we can print/export the logseq pages into PDF
‘as it is’, example if we have written a code snippet in a note, then when i print the page then that code snippet is printed into pdf as it is.

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Feature request: Pasting of reference links to text should not delete the text and paste it as symlink like links does like Already existing text

Similarly for pasting $$ on top of text , should form $$text$$

add dynamic RTL + the ability to control the size of text