Actual daily journalling?

Is anyone using LogSeq as an actual daily journal?
As in, logging events of the day, for example - media consumed/read/watched/listened, exercise, travel, thoughts about the day or anything like that?
I’ve been keeping one for a few years in DevonThink as markdown files for each day and I use iOS Shortcuts to generate standard markdown text forms for each entry that’s time stamped and with a heading. A shortcut creates the file at the beginning of the day with a header of the weather forecast, my geographical location and the time I created it as the first entry.
My journals are the one thing I do almost entirely on my phone but I tidy up and tag the day’s files on my laptop at least once a month.

Curious if anyone is doing something like this and what your layout is and what kind of things you’re tracking.


I’ve been using LogSeq for two years for daily journaling. Before that, I used Day One for eight years. I have mixed feelings about LogSeq for this purpose. While it is incredibly powerful to be able to cross-reference data (blocks), and I like Markdown as a storage format, I miss Day One’s UI a lot. DayOne also automatically pulls weather, health, photos, location and other metadata from MacOS and IOS.

I created a script that imports DayOne data into LogSeq. Now I’m thinking of creating a LogSeq to DayOne script to keep both in sync.


Interesting. Thanks for the thoughts.

I’ve tried to avoid too many “one use” applications, where I can. DevonThink is a a monster Swiss Army knife that I use in a whole bunch of ways. With Shortcuts in iOS and scripting on the desktop I can automate a lot of data entry and organization. I’ve stayed away from the specific personal journaling apps as avoiding lock-in is also a goal.

Logseq looks pretty promising for a bunch of different uses (personal and work related).

I could probably easily reformat my iOS shortcuts to make the weather and location text that I could paste into LogSeq instead of DevonThink.

If LogSeq was staying on simple markdown source files I would probably go that way but with the Database version on the far horizon I might wait to see how that works before I create a journalling workflow.
For now I am going to experiment with my old journal files from DevonThink and see how I could convert them in BBedit to be more LogSeq friendly with double brackets and the like.

Yup. I use Logseq exactly for that.
Can read my entire (though kinda outdated as well lol, it keeps changing) set up on my blog:

Specifically the first few of that series I suppose. Transition to Logseq, Bullet Journaling part 1 and part 2.

As for the DB version. Well the current markdown version of logseq will be available at all times. If that is enough for your use case, you can just keep using it.

Logseq is very programmable. It’s open source and written in the clojure programming language and has clojurescript as an end-user programming tool to add your own customizations in its appearance and behavior.

Take a look at the plug-ins available for Logseq, you might find one that already provides the functionality you are looking for.

I am very aware of of how programmable LogSeq is and I think that’s the nub of my question.
There would be so many ways to go about a daily journal and ways to structure the data, that I was looking for examples of how people are going about it.
@Siferiax has a very involved set up that seems to evolve quite a bit. I found that pretty impressive and there are some good ideas there that I could see myself applying to my own situation.
Even my current DevonThink journalling methods evolved from simple dumps of my morning thoughts, to tracking what I was reading, then watching and listening to, and automating some of it with Shortcuts.

My intention right now is to take a month of old markdown journals from Devonthink, import them into LogSeq and try to restructure them to be more block friendly. Just to see what I can use from the old way and what the new data structures available in LogSeq can do for me.

At some point I’ll probably try to convert my Shortcuts to make LogSeq friendly entries (many of my physical fitness entries get entered into the iOS Health app at the same time as I make an entry in the journal). It will definitely evolve. Superiority Through Constant Mutation!

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I was reviewing those blogpost and oh my! Yes that was so involved.
I’ve simplified it a lot. But that’s the beauty. Logseq is adapting as I figure out my preferred way of using it.

I believe that the database version will be optional and the current use of Markdown files will always be part of Logseq