Add a plugin button to sidebar (pagebar) not working with registerUIItem

I am trying to add a button to open the plugin’s page from pagebar (left side bar) with registerUIItem but it doesn’t work.

Logseq version 0.9.11

The following (typescript example from the Agenda plugin) works and add an icon to the toolbar:

logseq.App.registerUIItem('toolbar', {
      key: 'logseq-plugin-agenda',
      template: '<a data-on-click="show" class="button"><i class="ti ti-comet"></i></a>',

Switching from toolbar to pagebar does nothing, no error, no new button anywhere:

logseq.App.registerUIItem('pagebar', {
      key: 'logseq-plugin-agenda',
      template: '<a data-on-click="show" class="button"><i class="ti ti-comet"></i></a>',

I’ve found an issue related to this on github: