Adding cheklists

How to make checklists in logseq

Implementing it with org-mode syntax here would also solve subtasks to not pollute TODO lists when queried. [ ], [X] (see the linked discussion).

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would also love this feature

We need this feature for checklists that you want to keep on certain pages and not pollute TODO lists


+1 I have some routine checklists that are not part of the todo management. Somehow cannot find in Logseq a plain checkbox :frowning:

I use LATER NOW DONE for my overall task management, and TODO DOING DONE for separate lists and projects. They can be nicely separated with queries etc. Works well.

Indeed a possible solution. Problem with that for me, NOW appears in the Journals screen under today

It is currently possible to add checkboxes in blocks; e.g. add this to a single block (note: they cannot be split into individual blocks, paste with ctrl + shift + v):

This is a checklist
* [ ] Box 1
* [ ] Box 2

I donā€™t know how easy it would be, but I would love for this functionality to be extended so that the checked ones sort to the bottom, and thereā€™s a simple way to ā€œuncheck allā€.

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I absolutely love this checlists feature!

Isnā€™t it already implemented? Shouldnā€™t this issue be closed as ā€œdoneā€ ?

No, I donā€™t think the feature was implemented. Org-mode check box is just a workaround. We need something that is easily accessible and not having to type * [ ] every time.


Exactly this. Everyone is happily commenting ā€œjust do * [ ] checklist hereā€ but thatā€™s about 5 key strokes too many and also have to do it for EACH line I want a checkbox - there ought to be a solution where once you hit ā€˜enterā€™ it goes to the next line as a checkbox already.

I donā€™t mind the markdown * [ ] if I type it once, and it continues as a checklist.

But a slash command would be much more useful and something we can append our own custom shortcuts too.

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some block title
* [ ] checklist 1 
* [ ] 

after doing the first line, all subsequent ones are automatically added when you press Enterā€¦
if you absolutely need a checkbox on the first line of the block you can do like this:

* [ ] checkbox 1

and write some CSS to bring the rendered checkbox over the bullet, like discussed in here

this works for me with my current theme (has to be slightly tweaked for every other theme/style):

/* ========================================================================== */
/* This should hide the bullet points only for lists that have at least a checkbox: */

.block-body dl>li:has(.form-checkbox), .block-body ol>li:has(.form-checkbox), .block-body ul>li:has(.form-checkbox) {
    list-style-type: none;
.block-body dl:has(.form-checkbox), .block-body ol:has(.form-checkbox), .block-body ul:has(.form-checkbox), li p:has(.form-checkbox) {
    margin-left: -11px;
	margin-top: -11px;


/* ========================================================================== */


BUT if you want to have an accelerator for this, put this in the :commands [ ... ] section of config.edn and you just type <cx Enter to get it:

["cl", "* [ ] "]          ;; checkbox as a list bullet
["cx", "[](#)  \n* [ ] "] ;; checkbox block