Advanced query excluding future tasks but including pages

hey there, I started using the awesome advanced query builder and this is its output:

:title [:b "TODOs"]
:query [:find (pull ?block [*])
[?block :block/content ?blockcontent]
[?block :block/page ?page]
[?page :block/name ?pagename]
(page-ref ?block "a")
(not [?block :block/path-refs [:block/name "templates"]])
[?block :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"TODO"} ?marker)]

I am getting all tasks with prio A. since I also generate some todos in the future those also pop up in the query results. I found this thread talking about exactly this. my problem is that I want to have ALL tasks (also ones that are not on the journal) with prio A that are NOT in the future. how can I change the query to return non journal blocks as well?

Working with your own query, which already includes non-journal tasks:

  • should acquire today by the combined usage of:
    • this:
       :inputs [:today]
    • and this:
         :in $ ?today
  • then exclude tasks in future journals like this:
           [?page :block/journal-day ?d]
           [(> ?d ?today)]

many thanks! this works