Advice on Food Diary Structure and use case re efficiency

Hello anybody got time to help me create a Food Diary template to use in my journal daily.
I have created a My Template Page and added Food Diary fields to it which looks ok but would like some feedback if i could make it more efficent / useable see below.

Not sure if the structure is correct but been using for a few days so it saves a lot of time. Would be great with some kind of dropdown selection option. But interested is any advice or how i can view the food data consolidated over a period of time. I am using # tags for some of the questions.

But as i use a Page for all my templates i think i read it was better. But i note my Food Diary is not do you think it should be?

  • :bowl_with_spoon: Food Diary :stew:

    template:: Food Diary
    • Meals:
    • Breakfast:
      background-color:: yellow
      • Time:
      • Description:
      • Notes:
    • Lunch:
      background-color:: green
      • Time:
      • Description:
      • Notes:
    • Dinner:
      background-color:: blue
      • Time:
      • Description:
      • Notes:
    • Snacks:
      background-color:: pink
      • Time:

      • Description:

      • Notes:


    • Throughout the day:
      • Type and amount: x Green Tea :tea: & x Coffee :coffee: #coffee #tea

      • Notes:


    • Did you experience any duodenitis symptoms today? (Yes/No)
      • If yes, list and describe the symptoms:

      • Note the time of onset and any potential associations with specific foods or drinks.

        Additional Notes:

    • Stress levels:
    • Sleep quality:
    • Exercise (optional):
    • Medications : Omeprazole
    • Vitamins : Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, Fish Oil Omega 3 and ProbioPlus

I think this very much comes down to personal preference.
When I used a food diary last year it was a lot simpler lol.

I have a food page and basically in my journal it looked like this:

  • :plate_with_cutlery: [[food]]
    • 09:00 food item
    • 12:00 food item 1, food item 2


Consider what information you would like to see later.
I could imagine using properties more.
(I dunno how you use it, so bare with me lol)

For example:

{:title [:b "Food log"]
 :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
   [?p :block/name "food diary"] ;name is always lowercase
   [?fb :block/refs ?p]
   [?b :block/parent ?fb]
 :result-transform (fn [result] 
       (fn [r] (get-in r [:block/page :block/journal-day]))
       (fn [r] (get-in r [:block/properties :time]))