Aliases could use some TLC (tender loving care)

Now that Beta is out, most basic issues have been taken care of (kudos, team!), and many awesome features are coming out, it would be great if you could consider a fairly basic feature: aliases. Here are some things that come to mind (based on 0.1.4):

  • alias:: page1, page2 If I go to page1, it behaves as expected. But if I go to page2, it doesn’t
  • page1 above doesn’t contain a link to the “main” page it is aliased to
  • page2 contains a ton of “linked references” that should actually be under “unlinked references”
  • I always forget if the property is alias:: or aliases::
  • it’s hard to tell if aliases should be separated by , or if it’s okay to add a space after the comma (, )
  • on the whole, an alias feature implementation that follows the Principle of Least Surprises might be helpful. What do users need/want/expect when they alias a page?

I completely agree. Also I had to read the forum to understand how aliases work. By mistake I added some text to an alias page and it become as a new different page. As I read current behaviour is based in weird and non intuitive Wikipedia behaviour. I think that an alias should follow it’s dictionary definition: another way to call something.

Alias, namespaces (on alias and pages) should be the next thing to improve IMHO.


imo this is a bug in logseq beta, the aliasing was working as expected.
if [[sourcepage]] has alias:: page1, page2 then

  • if page1 and page2 are empty, clicking on any mention of [[page1]] or [[page2]] should redirect to [[sourcepage]]
  • if page2 has content, then [[sourcepage]] will be a linked ref

in my opinion this is the most powerful implementation, as it covers multiple use-cases for aliasing.

@Zab although I understand the possible confusion for users coming from obsidian or other apps, I firmly believe that the logseq’s implementation of aliasing is superior in all aspects. You don’t have to use the ‘extended’ feature if you don’t want to.

The main issue is that the intended behavior is broken in logseq beta (which is quite a big issue)


The bug should be fixed now, we’ll cut a new release soon.

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I think that alias is still very buggy (0.1.6). It’s creating duplicated tags.
I have a Contents with this content:

- [[Dad]]
- [[Mom]]

And two files: and has an alias to Daddy and the same for Mom, Mommy.
After a refresh or reindex, Dad page shows in properties this:

alias: Daddy, daddy

Two alias, if I click it then shows:

alias: Daddy

But renders what I said. Same for
Worse was that I don’t know how and I’m unable to reproduce, able to go to a page with the page alias XYZ of some page named ABC, and typed in. After two seconds of typing Logseq stop responding and wasn’t able to open console for error.

can you repro the first issue consistently after re-indexing ?
so far the alias has been working correctly for me in 0.1.6 (well, aside from aliases using [[nested [[pages]]]] but that’s a known issue)

I tested in a new graph. If you or somebody is not able to reproduce I can try to clear Local AppData and try again

it seems to work for me, but that doesn’t mean it’s bug-free. If you can repo the issue or can pinpoint what’s triggering it, it’s definitely worth creating a github issue (it will get more visibility by the devs there).

Opened a case in Github with steps to reproduce.
Also, for not being off-topic with @noted post what do you think if all properties that logseq use internally and are visible to user (alias, tags, etc…) have a class with some keyword so user themes can apply a style to them. By this way an user theme that renders such properties with italic fonts or using a color allow an user to know if the property’s name expected by logseq in right. For example, if I type aliases which is wrong, css will not be applied and I know that it’s wrong. This doesn’t eliminate the need for an UI because I don’t know which properties are expected by logseq but at least allows a visual feedback if what I types is right.
Also if for any property, its name is added as class name, would allow to define user styles for properties. I use some properties (page or block) for queries and sometimes I type them wrong and I don’t know if my query is wrong o the property 's name is wrong. So adding those property’s names to my custom.css will make my live easier.

What do you think?