Allow to completely disable page rename confirmation dialog

The “Do you really want to change the page name to “…”?” confirmation dialog gets very annoying after you familiarize yourself with logseq, adding a checkbox to prevent asking again in the dialog and/or a configuration option to disable it would be a nice improvement

Totally agree! Frustrated that such obvious things like this, from a product perspective, get no attention.

Maybe I can change something in the config file for it. If not, gonna have to start my fork of Logseq already

Welcome. Could get away with some custom.js code like this one:

const confirmations = document.getElementsByClassName('ui__confirm-modal');
const confirmationsObserver = new MutationObserver(function onMutated(){
    const confirmation = confirmations[0]
    if (!confirmation) return
    if (!document.querySelector('.ui__modal-panel').classList.contains('opacity-100')) return
    if (!confirmation.querySelector('.headline').textContent.startsWith("Do you really want to change the page name to")) return

confirmationsObserver.observe(document.querySelector('.ui__modal-panel'), {
    attributeFilter: ['class']