Authentication mechanism

Thanks for the grate journaling app. I’m using logseq for 2 month and it’s great.
On feature that is missing is Authentication on app that force user to enter password in order to access the logseq. this gives users more privacy on local machines though.

Welcome to Logseq @Sadegh_Ranjbar!

This is a great suggestion and I think something like this will be added at some point. But in the meanwhile, there’s a Lock Screen plugin. It only works on desktop at this moment, but it might be exactly what you’re looking for.

To find the Lock Screen plugin, go in Logseq to... > Plugins > Marketplace.

On the plugin’s GitHub page you can see a demo:

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I would find it more useful if the actual Graphs are password-protected, not the app itself, which one can lock with different OS-specific tools. Also there should be the possibility to password-protect individual blocks in the graph if i don’t want the whole Graph to be locked.

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Yes, I understand that need and also wish Logseq had better on-disk encryption options. I’m not sure what are the plans in that regard, so I’ll check with the devs.

In the past Logseq had built-in encryption but it caused too many issues, so ultimately the option got removed. Again, I’d have to check with the devs to ask for technical info as to why, but I think there’s been a few discussions about it on the forum.

In any case, I’m going to ask for some more info.

Edit: @FlorianF, I asked @tienson to share some more about the team’s plans for graph encryption, and this is what he told me:

We’ll revisit this [graph encryption] once the database version is stable. We don’t want to introduce on-disk encryption option too early because the implementations will depend on the storage.

We’re currently using SQLite for the database storage and there are some solutions for SQLite encryptions. But each solution has its own pros and cons, and we might need to change some things along the way to improve performance [the primary objective].

Another approach that has nothing to do with storage is that we can encrypt each node with a password, so a user’s data will be encrypted first and then be written to the disk. This might be the only solution that’ll work on all the platforms and also works in the future. But we need to do tons of performance tests before introducing this feature.

In other words: encryption is on the dev team’s radar, but the focus is first on improving performance. Once the most performant solution is pinpointed, the team can also start looking at the best encryption solution for that architecture.

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