Bi-directional links have blown my to Logseq...old to notetaking apps

Hey Everyone!

My name is James, 46, married, work as a teacher in London, UK.

_read and implemented GTD…and love all the discussion about productivity.
_used Android since Cupcake
_used Evernote user since 2010 (anyone remember Springpad before it died…I loved it!)

_may jump from Evernote having finally got by head round bi-directional linking!
_looked at Roam 2-3 years ago - could not get my head round how it worked…
_…started looking at Logseq, watched some videos…and it clicked!
_found myself circling back to Evernote after looking at other apps: Notion, Simplenote, Google Keep, Amplenote, Trello, Joplin…
_felt Notejoy (most recently) came close - but the Android app didn’t work for me.

I’m testing Logseq. What’s holding me back is long-form writing…
…although I wonder if I’m (we’re all) overthinking it…just viewing blocks as paragraphs in my writing might be enough.

Looking forward to discovering more about:
_implementing GTD in Logseq
_use cases with the Android app
_writing in long-form in Logseq



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Hi! Welcome!

Not sure about all the details of GTD, but I do all my task management in Logseq. It is pretty basic in terms of what it implements, but with some tricks you can get a lot out of it as well.
All about what you’re looking for exactly :slight_smile:

I do 90% of my Logseq on my Android phone.
It has a ton of disadvantages, but for me the biggest advantage still weights more. And that is having it available all the time and being easily accessible for me.
It is always open, so load times aren’t a big issue. Except when I use my phone for something else (like writing this.)

Yes that would totally be possible. Especially as you say using bullets as paragraphs. Also now that the export has improved and you can export without dashes and with extra lines between blocks.
I tried it before those export options and didn’t like it because of how it would export. So maybe I’ll retry it, now that I think on it.

Thank you for the reply - especially with the focus on use with Android.

Thanks also for letting me know about the export - I will have a look.

Super-interesting to hear that you use the Android app so much.

Do you need to have a method for syncing for use across devices?

When you’re in a page (on a computer) press Esc t d to toggle document mode. It allows free form entry where line returns make new lines rather than new blocks.

On mobile, press the document looking icon on the bottom of the screen to enable it:

I definitely recommend you check that out. It’s really helped me adopt Logseq as I can draft my longer passages within a daily block.

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I appreciate the reply - it speaks to how passionate this community is!

I’m familiar with this and I’m in the process of playing with it.

It’s not quite there…and it might be my mindset!

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Yes. I use an Android phone, an iPad and a Windows PC. Due to compatibly issues I use Git for this. It has been a hassle to do, but right now I have it working smoothly for myself.

I use my PC for gaming nearly exclusively. And no I don’t use Logseq for work as there is no need. I do all my work notes in OneNote and they boil down to “today I did this, so for the next workday this is still open”.
The times I use Logseq on PC is mostly when I use an external editor on the files for mass find/replace actions.

Or when I make a new monthly page from a template spreadsheet.
See my blogpost about that here: Bullet Journaling in Logseq - Part 1 | Sif's blog
Specifically The Monthly Log

Don’t you run into the block size limit this way? Or are different blocks still produced?

I didn’t know there was a block size limit, so I have not.

My “long form” is just a few paragraphs under relevant blocks in an outline. Any longer writing is in another tool.

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It’s an (mandatory) option in the config. So in theory you can make it as large as you want. The trade-off is performance.