Block links in latex

I think that this request for help might be not have a solution, but here we go: I use a lot of math in my graph and use it to create learning material for engineering students. in the first picture you can see I have a page with formulas. the top formula consists of terms, that need to be explained as well, so they have their own blocks. now the cool thing is (i swear this would be such a game changer at school/uni), I can hover over each term and get explainations and definitions without leaving the page, as seen in the second image. the block content looks like this: ((ref1)) $+$ ((ref2)) $+$ ((ref3)). I effectively separated the latex from the link now to the million dollar question: would there be a way to reference other blocks within latex? I want to have these linked formulas in fractions, powers, square roots and what not, but I can’t figure out how to link a block and let it render in latex. does anyone have any ideas how I might do this or workaround it? (edited)

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