Blocks - proper format for title and tags

I’m new to Logseq and I’m starting keeping a journal as it was recommended in the documentation. So my primary notes are blocks in the journal and I have a couple of questions.

  1. What is the best/good practice to title blocks from your perspective of powerful users?

It is my understanding, that at least every journal block should have a title.
It also seems that the title should be the first line of a block.
If I don’t mark it with #-s, it’s obviously not a title, at least it looks like text.
If I add single # prefix, the title appears to be ugly, I mean - too big.
Should it be then two #-s? 3? What is the rule here?
I wouldn’t want to begin with a wrong number of #-s and to find myself later refactoring hundreds of blocks :slight_smile:

  1. Where should I put tags in a block? Should it come in the title prefix, postfix, below the title, at the bottom of a block?

Thanks in advance!

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  • There are no such rules.
    • Different users develop different approaches.
      • As you use Logseq, your own approach will definitely evolve.
        • No matter your initial preparation.
  • There is no necessity to title most blocks.
    • With default sizes, 3 #s look better than less
      • But the more #s used, the more typing they need, so avoid too many.
    • However, Logseq is an outliner
      • Prefer putting the title in its own block, then add the content broken in child-blocks.
        • Not necessarily as small as in this post, but small-enough to call them atomic.
  • Tags are secondary, thus better placed at the end of the most relevant line.
    • The primary references should be inline, as part of the text itself.
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Thanks @mentaloid for sharing! I’ll take this into account.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the hashtags [#] to denote markdown headings only indicate the heading level. 1, 2, 3 etc. The format of the text is based on the theme that your logseq instance is running. Change the theme and the look of the headings, including their relative sizes to each other as well as the fonts will change. One theme I used, ### produced a heading that looked like bold font about the same size as the standard text. #### was slightly smaller. Beyond that there appeared to be no difference in size with more hashes. Might not have been defined for that theme.

If you know how to edit CSS, you can modify the headings to your linking.