Can I test the new db version with a local graph?

I was sure I’d find the answer for this somewhere in these forums, but I couldn’t. I apologise in advance if I missed something obvious!

I realize the db version is far from stable, however I’d like to use it for certain non-critical notes, as a way of testing it out in real world cases. However I’d like to do it with local storage (via browser, I’m assuming). Is this possible?

I realize there is a limited official testing group. I don’t expect to have access to that.

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Maybe this is what you are looking for (by @Ramses from Questions about the upcoming database version )



I thought there was a live online version which was being updated as changes were committed.

The version I link to :point_up_2: is the latest version that gets updated every time the devs merge a pull request from the Logseq DB repo.