Can I use pdf annotating for some pdfs outside of graph with their links?

can I use pdf annotating for some pdfs outside of graph with pasting their links?

I just did some testing, and apparently you can. :tada:

Place a link in your notes

![Title of the Document](/path/to/the/pdf_file.pdf)

and it should become [[📚Title of the Document]] when you exit edit mode.

If you click the link, it will open the file on the left (as usual). Highlighting, referencing, etc. should work normally too.

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thank you but it did not work: it will be just a simple link…



My testing was done on a Mac.

If you’re on Windows, you could try starting the path with file:///d:… and then replacing all the \ with /.

Can’t be sure, though.

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this is right for windows. thank you very much sir.