Cannot get PDFs to load when using Zotero

Hey all,

I am currently trying to get Zotero to load the reference when using the /Zotero command, which it seems to do. However, when I click the open button on the PDF, it states that the file is missing despite being present at that location.

What am I doing wrong?


Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on where to look next?

Hi, here are few random thoughts I have about your situation.

  1. Paste the path in the warning message in a browser like Edge, Chrome or Firefox:
  • If the path is OK, you should be able to open the PDF without any problem.
  • Otherwise, you should modify the path by hand and test repeatedly to figure out what’s wrong here, and then correct your Zotero setting accordingly.
  1. Should the data directory be different from the attachment base directory?