Charts from queries


  • Nothing original here, just another wrapper of library chart.js
    • Except that it comes in the form of a kit, so it works on mobile as well.
  • It is a simple implementation that:
    • covers basic needs of average Logseq users
    • breaks when pushed beyond typical usage
    • sets the groundwork for javascript users to plot more advanced charts
  • For alternative options, check the links below this post.


  • To get output like these:
  • by typing inside a block a macro (or more) like these:
    {{bar duration, Duration}}
    {{barv duration|production}}
    {{line duration|production, Duration|Production}}
    {{linev duration}}
    • The meaning of the format {{macroname propname, title}} being:
      • title is the text that appears in the legend
        • Supports multiple series, just like propname (right below).
      • propname is typically the name of a Logseq property
        • Can also be any top-level key/fieldname in the query’s results.
        • For multiple series, it can have multiple values separated by |
          • Check the examples above.
          • The separator is easily configurable in the beginning of the code (at the end of the post).
      • macroname is an arbitrary name of your choice, as defined inside file config.edn, inside macros{}, similar to these ones:
        :bar "<div class='kit chart' data-kit='chart' data-type='bar' data-prop='$1' data-title='$2' data-color='green' data-index-axis='y' />"
        :barv "<div class='kit chart' data-kit='chart' data-type='bar' data-prop='$1' data-title='$2' />"
        :line "<div class='kit chart' data-kit='chart' data-type='line' data-prop='$1' data-title='$2' data-width='1' />"
        :linev "<div class='kit chart' data-kit='chart' data-type='line' data-prop='$1' data-title='$2' data-width='2' data-color='orange' data-index-axis='y' />"
        • v is for vertical, but you can use names of your preference.
          • Should still be unique names.
        • For basic customization, modify the data-attributes:
          • type: typically bar or line, but chart.js supports many more
          • color: typical CSS colors for the data
            • Supports multiple series, just like propname (see earlier).
            • For the color of other elements, see lower.
          • width: line-width in pixels
            • Supports multiple series, just like propname (see earlier).
            • For the dimensions of the chart itself, see lower.
          • index-axis: When set to y toggles between horizontal and vertical bars/lines
          • data-aspect-ratio: When set to true prevents disproportional charts, but may waste some space.
        • For CSS customization (other colors, dimensions etc.), use the defined class (here .kit.chart ), e.g.:
          .kit.chart {
            height: 400px;
  • The query should be placed in a child-block:
    • Both simple and advanced queries are supported, e.g.:
      • {{query (page-property :duration)}}
        • The duration property of every page that has one.
      • #+BEGIN_QUERY
         :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
             [?b :block/name ?name]
             [?b :block/properties ?props]
             [(get ?props :duration) ?duration]
        • Advanced variation of the previous query.
          • Useful for advanced filtering, result transformations etc.
      • #+BEGIN_QUERY
         :query [:find ?name ?duration
           :keys label data
             [?b :block/name ?name]
             [?b :block/properties ?props]
             [(get ?props :duration) ?duration]
        • This one demonstrates the use of :keys label data
          • Useful when properties are not convenient.
  • kits are expected inside file custom.js
  • And the following code in a single javascript code-block inside page Chart :
    const DELIMITER = '|'
    const DFLT = {
        color: '#36A2EB|#FF6384|#4BC0C0|#FF9F40|#9966FF|#FFCD56|#C9CBCF'.split('|'),
        width: ['0']
    const LS = logseq.api
    const Module = logseq.Module
    const Kits = Module.Kits
    const Msg = Module.Msg
    function advancedQuery(content, queryWord){
        const queryStart = content.indexOf("[", queryWord + 5)
        if (queryStart < 0) return
        var queryEnd = queryStart + 1
        var n = 1
        while (n > 0) {
          const close = content.indexOf("]", queryEnd)
          if (close < 0) return
          const open = content.indexOf("[", queryEnd)
          if (close < open || open < 0) {
              queryEnd = close + 1
              n -= 1
          queryEnd = open + 1
          n += 1
        return content.slice(queryStart, queryEnd)
    function simpleQuery(content, queryWord){
        const queryStart = queryWord + 6
        const queryEnd = content.indexOf("}}", queryStart)
        return content.slice(queryStart, queryEnd)
    function getResults(content, queryWord){
        if (queryWord < 0) return
        if (content[queryWord - 1] === ":") {
            const query = advancedQuery(content, queryWord)
            if (query) return LS.datascript_query(query).flat()
        } else if (content.slice(queryWord - 2, queryWord) === "{{") {
            const query = simpleQuery(content, queryWord)
            if (query) return LS.custom_query(query)
    function Plotter(div){
        return {div, dataset: div.dataset, data: [],
                prop: div.dataset.prop.split(DELIMITER),
                __proto__: Plotter.prototype};
    Plotter.prototype.attemptPlot = function(){
        let msg = "No results"
        try {
            if (this.res) {
        } catch(e) {
            msg = "Error: " + e.message
   = 0
        if ( > 0) return
        const spanMsg = Kits.createElementOfClass("span", "text-sm", msg)
    Plotter.prototype.fillData = function(){
          (p)=> (r)=>{
              const v = Number([p] ?? r[p] ??
              return (isNaN(v) ? 0 : v)
    Plotter.prototype.findResults = function(){
        const parent = this.div.closest("")
        const child = parent.querySelector("")
        if (!child) return Msg.warning("Missing child")
        const blockId = child.getAttribute("blockid")
        const block = LS.get_block(blockId)
        const content = block.content.replace(/\n?.*[:][:].*\n?/g, "\n").trim()
        const queryWord = content.indexOf("query")
        this.res = getResults(content, queryWord)
                ?? Msg.warning("Missing query")
    Plotter.prototype.getDatasets = function(){
        return (data, i)=>{
            const color = this.color[i] ?? this.color[0]
            return {
                backgroundColor: color,
                borderColor: color,
                borderWidth: Number(this.width[i] ?? this.width[0]),
                label: this.title[i] ?? this.prop[i]
    Plotter.prototype.labelForResult = function(r){
        return r.label ?? r.originalName ?? r['original-name'] ??
    Plotter.prototype.plot = function(){
        const dataset = this.dataset
        const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
        new Chart(canvas, {
            data: {
                datasets: this.getDatasets(),
                labels:, this)
            options: {
                indexAxis: dataset.indexAxis ?? 'x',
                maintainAspectRatio: dataset.aspectRatio || false
            type: dataset.type
    Plotter.prototype.readDataset = function(dataset){
        this.color = (!dataset.color) ? DFLT.color
                   : dataset.color.split(DELIMITER)
        this.title = (dataset.title === '$2') ? []
                   : dataset.title.split(DELIMITER)
        this.width = (!dataset.width) ? DFLT.width
                   : dataset.width.split(DELIMITER)
    logseq.kits.setStatic(function chart(div){
        const plotter = Plotter(div)
        if (window.Chart) return plotter.attemptPlot()
        const script = document.createElement('script')
        script.src = ""
        script.type = 'text/javascript'
        script.addEventListener("load", (e)=>{
  "chart.js loaded")
        })"Loading chart.js ...")